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Why is blacklist not racist?

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Why do you think that we should blacklist the word "blacklist"?


There are only a few swearwords. But millions of other words. The word "Black" isn't racist in any form, and neither is the word Black-board. Its only when the real racist "Slang" words are used, and then it becomes offensive.

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Lenny Henry referred to himself on the radio a few weeks ago as:

'a person of colour"

My immediate thought was what an idiot doesn't he mean coloured or brown or black or olive skinned.

Who are you to tell anyone how they should or should not identify themselves? Lenny Henry is an articulate and successful Shakespeare actor. I'm sure that if he meant 'coloured' or 'olive skinned ' (stupid phrase, really, as you would have to be very ill to have [green] olive coloured skin), he would have said so.


I also heard a women refer to another as a 'feminine hero". Why when the word is heroine?


No, it hasn't. If you stop throwing yourself around and bleating 'political correctness gone mad!', you could use the time and energy saved by reading up about the validity of gender specific descriptors. Research suggests that people generally think of actors as more skilled than actresses, heroes more powerful than heroines. The word 'heroine' has all kinds of baggage, most of which is not about being strong and courageous and powerful, but about being dependent (possibly from their typical roles in literature?). The speaker may well have been making that point. Edited by aliceBB
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There are only a few swearwords. But millions of other words. The word "Black" isn't racist in any form, and neither is the word Black-board. Its only when the real racist "Slang" words are used, and then it becomes offensive.




This obsession with blackboards and black sheep etc, seems to stem from trouble causing right whingers with limited imagination.

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This obsession with blackboards and black sheep etc, seems to stem from trouble causing right whingers with limited imagination.


I think its true that there are less racist people in the world than the PC brigade care to admit, but in essence there are some names and words that are totally unacceptable and "black" board is not one of them. Its all gone crazy. Im sure things may have been different for different generations, but we live in a more tolerant society nowadays, and we all know what's right and wrong, but there all still some who think its OK to defend anti-racism, yet let their true colours slip a little when attempting to appear whiter than white.

IMHO, hypocrisy is more popular than racism.

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The word "Black" isn't racist in any form, and neither is the word Black-board. Its only when the real racist "Slang" words are used, and then it becomes offensive.


I think you must mean that the word 'black' isn't racist in itself, but can be when used in conjunction with a derogatory noun. I won't give an example as I would probably be banned, but you can, I am sure, imagine what I mean.


And how do you define 'the real racist slang words'?

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I think you must mean that it isn't racist in itself, but can be when used in conjunction with a derogatory noun.


And how do you define 'the real racist Slang words'?




It would be wrong for me to start typing "real" racist words, because we all know what they are. Yes, to say the word "Black" with another word, ie; a swear word, then yes it would be racist.

As a normal rational human being, I just wouldn't use any of the words, slang or otherwise.

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Ok, here it is (the quote you never made!)

"Watch me say wog and the police not kick down my door and arrest me for offences under the politically correct act made up entirely in 2015."


Its quite obvious that using such a hideous and horrifically obscene word does not bother you in the slightest, so I can only assume that racism only counts if you are somehow linked to a minority that is on topic at the time.


If just one person uttered that word in our halls, they would be out. Full stop. Even in discussion.


You could have so easily masked that word cyclone, without using it as a metaphor to get a pointless point across.




Forgive me kelly4danny, but the use of sensational vernacular when lampooning an ill conceived point is perfectly appropriate as it is in the instance you quote, in my opinion.


There's nothing more disarming to shallow thinkers (we call them gob frothers here, I hope they don't mind), than to have the words they themselves use in lively conversation rammed metaphorically down their throats..Ive seen many a racist, homophobe or misogynist choke when one of the 'pc/lefty/tree-hugging brigade' excites their faux sensitivities with words like 'coon', 'queer', 'dyke' or 'darkie', it saps their power like Superman juggling a lump of hot Kryptonite.


**No minority groups were harmed during the development of this thread**


Incidentally, I've had a lick of the tar brush myself ;)

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Forgive me kelly4danny, but the use of sensational vernacular when lampooning an ill conceived point is perfectly appropriate as it is in the instance you quote, in my opinion.


There's nothing more disarming to shallow thinkers (we call them gob frothers here, I hope they don't mind), than to have the words they themselves use in lively conversation rammed metaphorically down their throats..Ive seen many a racist, homophobe or misogynist choke when one of the 'pc/lefty/tree-hugging brigade' excites their faux sensitivities with words like 'coon', 'queer', 'dyke' or 'darkie', it saps their power like Superman juggling a lump of hot Kryptonite.


**No minority groups were harmed during the development of this thread**


Incidentally, I've had a lick of the tar brush myself ;)


And you're lick is perfectly acceptable BF, if you are lampooning yourself.:o Gob frothers or not, it shows that when they are pulled up on their own deep feelings, they don't like it. I abhor the use of playground words, even when discussing a topic. There is no place for it in our society and never was. And if we ever meet, remind me to jolly well slap your legs for using those phrases:hihi:

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It would be wrong for me to start typing "real" racist words, because we all know what they are.
No, I don't think we do. That's the whole point of the discussion! We are debating whether some words/terms should be viewed as racist - or not - and why. So there's no point saying 'we all know' which words are racist and which aren't...


Yes, to say the word "Black" with another word, ie; a swear word, then yes it would be racist.
No, you're still missing my point. If you put the word 'black' together with another word such as the name of an animal, for example, you can make an offensive term even if the two words separately are not offensive per se (e.g. when used in other contexts).


Context is all. That's why some phrases containing a word (e.g. the word 'pig') are inoffensive (e.g. 'Pork comes from a pig') and some are the opposite effect, e.g. 'You're a greedy, selfish pig'.


As a normal rational human being, I just wouldn't use any of the words, slang or otherwise.
I think it ismore complex than that. Some slang words are not offensive. Some non-slang words and phrases can be. I'd be interested to know what you mean by 'slang'.
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