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Crows nest park hill

Guest makapaka

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A) Jane 2008 is correct, the Crow's Nest was Hyde Park, not Park Hill.


B) All the pubs, on both the Hyde Park and the Park Hill developments were at ground level.

None of them were accessed above ground level, although they were at different levels, relative to the building, according to the gradient of the hill.


Park Hill pubs:- The Link, The Parkway, The Scottish Queen and The Earl George.

Hyde Park pubs:- The Target, the Samuel Plimsoll, The Crow's Nest and the Earl Francis

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A) Jane 2008 is correct, the Crow's Nest was Hyde Park, not Park Hill.


B) All the pubs, on both the Hyde Park and the Park Hill developments were at ground level.

None of them were accessed above ground level, although they were at different levels, relative to the building, according to the gradient of the hill.


Park Hill pubs:- The Link, The Parkway, The Scottish Queen and The Earl George.

Hyde Park pubs:- The Target, the Samuel Plimsoll, The Crow's Nest and the Earl Francis


I knew you'd be along to confirm or put me right. PT:love:

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Guest makapaka
The Crow's Nest was, I'm pretty sure, on Hyde Park. If it's the one I'm thinking of it was on High Pavement


Sorry yes that's the one - my mistake. Do you know when it closed?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 'Crow's Nest' was on the Hyde Park Flats. but NOT entirely at 'ground level'.

There were 2 rooms (1 front, 1 back), which were at full length to each other!, with the bar area down/along the centre seperating the 2, though both rooms had it's own small wooden bar on it's own side and the Till area being between the 2.

Both rooms were of an oblong shape, the Bestroom being slightly the shorter room.

The Dram Shop Having 2 Doors, 1 either end and the Bestroom only the 1.

Ground, Pavement, Bevis Row, being the 3 lowest levels/landings accessible via the lifts immediately adjacent to the (Broad Street end!) Dram shop door.

You walked into either room, ('BOTH' Dram Shop doors/Best Room door) of the pub on/from the level called 'Pavement' (2nd Floor), (that being the same Level/Floor as the shops, Youth Club and access to H.P. Terrace and the 2 smaller blocks, both still standing/refurbished.

Although often debated!, Most people considered the 'Dram Shop'to be the 'Front' as the whole length of that room was 'connected' at Pavement (floor) level.

Now to why 'Not Entirely at Ground Level'!....

The Bestroom however only connected to the 'Pavement'/ Floor level at the 'door end', the actual room itself (whilst obviously built/connected into the structure of the flats complex) was a 'box' that simply stuck out from the flats, approx. 20 feet in the air above the 'Mezzanine' (between Ground & Pavement levels) car park/unloading/delivery bays & roadway which served the back doors of the (Pavement's) shops.

If you sat in the window seats you would be looking out at a panoramic view!, ie - the back of the shops, St Johns Church/Churchyard, Bernard Rd/Thos 'Tommy' Wards/ The 2remaining block and a fair chunk of Sheffield etc, and all with your feet on Terra Firma,... in MID-AIR!!!!


The best way to 'visualise'! it, is to put a rule lengthways along the centre of an shoe box and the back half will be in mid-air. All the floors/levels etc, well!, there your problem now!! :huh::hihi:

Hope this helps!.


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  • 6 months later...

Crows Nest Park Hill.


Hey up Makapaka,


The Crows Nest pub wasn’t on’t Park Hill, it wah on’t Hyde Park, High Pavement, St. John’s Road. I visited this Whitbread pub on a couple of occasions in early 70’s. I don’t remember owt of interest to report regarding those visits, so onto the next item…


Due to me moving to live abroad in 1975, I can’t give exact dates of this next bit. Sometime after 1975 the Crows Nest had a landlord called Ron Ward. I had known Ron Ward from late 60’s – 1974-75ish as landlord (manager) at the Minerva on Charles St. opposite The Roebuck (Wards). Ron seemed to be a decent chap but spent time telling customers how he had been in the Desert Rats, but the dates (years) didn’t seem to fit. He was too young to have been in’t war.


Cath(?), Ron’s wife was always nice to me, which was good, because we would have occasional short conversations. Goodness me I fancied her like mad. Anyway, there were strong rumours Cath was seeing one of the regulars, a bloke called Daryl. I thought he was a nice bloke too. At that time the Ward’s had a daughter (possibly 2).


I had nothing against Ron or Cath, because they did afterall allow me to drink in their pub at the ripe old age of 15. I used to love the welcoming log fires in winter in the tap room situated atween the male and female bogs, plus the one in the lounge. Plus the Tuesday night reggae disco in’t concert room.


I found out over 20 years later that Whitbread had thrown Ron out of the Crows Nest. Whitbreads policy had always been that their pubs can only be run by (married) couples. With that information I presume(d) Cath had left Ron.


That’s all I’ve got for you Makapaka.




P.S. I don’t have any info on the pubs: Target, Samuel Plimsoll. Wards and Tetley’s respectively.

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