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Another barking mad sentence

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Do our magistrates ever live in the real world. Someone lobs a tangerine and gets a huge court case, and all the expense, and gets banned from matches for 3 years




Yet serious criminals get piddling sentences handed to them. I just wish our magistrates had some common sense and guidlines for sentencing.

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Do our magistrates ever live in the real world. Someone lobs a tangerine and gets a huge court case, and all the expense, and gets banned from matches for 3 years




Yet serious criminals get piddling sentences handed to them. I just wish our magistrates had some common sense and guidlines for sentencing.


What "sentence". He has not been put in jail. He is not on a community service. He is not walking around with a tag.


Boo hoo he has been ordered to pay a couple of hundred quid fine. Boo hoo, he has been banned from attending football matches.


GOOD. If this 29 year old civil servant wants to behave like a thug damn right they should be banned.


Perhaps they will learn to grow up over the next three years.


Magistrates made a perfectly good decision in my opinion.

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Do our magistrates ever live in the real world. Someone lobs a tangerine and gets a huge court case, and all the expense, and gets banned from matches for 3 years




Yet serious criminals get piddling sentences handed to them. I just wish our magistrates had some common sense and guidlines for sentencing.


I assume you'd be ok with a tangerine hurled at your face?


What a lovely example he set for any children watching.

Personally, i think he got off lightly considering he didn't actually get 'sentenced'.

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Boo hoo he has been ordered to pay a couple of hundred quid fine. GOOD.


Must he pay it all in full straight away or can he pay in segments?

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