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What is your personal space?

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How do YOU know it was never going to happen? Maybe she averted it by leaving?




Why would she mention it in the first post?....I really don't understand your logic in this.


Would you be happier if she had said "He threatened me with rape so I left"...it's preposterous.


All she said was she felt very uncomfortable and left as soon as she could. The thread (at the danger of yet again repeating myself) asks the question "What is your personal space?"....And goes on to illustrate an instance she felt went beyond that which she was comfortable with.


So it goes from personal space to rapists. That makes sense.

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This is becoming a wind up..


The OP was asking for people's opinions about personal space and you have turned it into your own little show ubermaus.


Think you should leave it be now as you are not helping the OP but merely trying to prod and poke everyone else for reactions to your ridiculous posts.

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So it goes from personal space to rapists.
No it doesn't, please stop reading words that aren't there.


It goes from an unknown male invading a womans personal space to the woman leaving because there's no way for her to be sure the unknown male is a good guy or one of the 0.1% of bad guys.


Again direct your anger to the 0.1% of bad guys, if they didn't exist, there would have been no reason for the woman to leave.

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Personal space comfort varies from species to species, from male to female, from race to race and from person to person.


It's obvious the OP felt uncomfortable with the actions of another person. This could be as a result of her being a her, her psychological make up, her race or even her mood on that day. The variables are so diverse that it defies logical analysis.

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We don't know what this bloke's intentions were. He might have rubbish social skills, he might be a total creep, who knows. What I do know (based on bitter experience), is if someone makes you feel uncomfortable, then there's probably something not quite right, and best not to encourage them.


I'm a pretty gregarious person, I'll happily chat to folk, but there are right and wrong ways to go about it, and Sunli, in your position I would also have thought there was something odd about the situation. Probably totally harmless, but odd nevertheless.

Edited by Olive
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Yep, exactly, he's a potential rapist or murderer, there's no way to tell the difference, so women will err on the side of caution and until you remove the potential then women will continue to err in the side of caution and if you don't like that then go deal with the 0.1%


And once more with feeling the young lady has not claimed there was any sexual assault


Just to be clear, men (young or otherwise) also don't want to be murdered. It's not a gender thing.

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I find in my job that people have no respect for other people's personal space. I work for a supermarket and part of my job is doing the reductions.. A few of us have started completely blocking off the markdown shelves until we have finished. Or in some cases taking all the items into the wear house to reduce them. People seem to find it ok if you are knelt on the floor filling a shelf to lean over you and drape their (occasionally smelly) groins across you. Or to just lean over you giving you a good whiff of their arm pits. It's so rude! Manners don't exist anymore. People rarely say excuse me. Having someone else's intimate parts forced upon you is awful.

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