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What is your personal space?

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I find in my job that people have no respect for other people's personal space. I work for a supermarket and part of my job is doing the reductions.. A few of us have started completely blocking off the markdown shelves until we have finished. Or in some cases taking all the items into the wear house to reduce them. People seem to find it ok if you are knelt on the floor filling a shelf to lean over you and drape their (occasionally smelly) groins across you. Or to just lean over you giving you a good whiff of their arm pits. It's so rude! Manners don't exist anymore. People rarely say excuse me. Having someone else's intimate parts forced upon you is awful


Part of me wonders if this has something to do with the years of advertising, that tell us we need to smell as artificial as possible.


People smell Starlet, and you probably need to get over that :).


Also, it's really blimmin annoying when there's someone in the way of the food stuff I'm trying to get, when in a hurry. Why don't they just move out of my way, after I've been standing there patiently waiting for them to move for what seems like half an hour?!

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really?! Wow! Yeah people smell smell. I don't care if it's artificial or not. I don't want it in.my face. Tell you what next time you are shopping I will wipe my armpits across your face/head a few times then you can let me know if it's still ok. Or maybe I can thrust my nether regions at you for a minute or two. It will be ok if they smell won't it, like pee or maybe worse won't it. It's ok cos you want a bargain


Part of me wonders if this has something to do with the years of advertising, that tell us we need to smell as artificial as possible.


People smell Starlet, and you probably need to get over that :).


Also, it's really blimmin annoying when there's someone in the way of the food stuff I'm trying to get, when in a hurry. Why don't they just move out of my way, after I've been standing there patiently waiting for them to move for what seems like half an hour?!

Edited by PeteMorris
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really?! Wow! Yeah people smell smell. I don't care if it's artificial or not. I don't want it in.my face. Tell you what next time you are shopping I will wipe my armpits across your face/head a few times then you can let me know if it's still ok. Or maybe I can thrust my nether regions at you for a minute or two. It will be ok if they smell won't it, like pee or maybe worse won't it. It's ok cos you want a bargain


I wouldn't make it sound too alluring...he might take you up on it...:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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