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Teenager 'planned to behead soldier'

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What makes you question Happ Hazzard?


He was suggesting deporting the guy, which is clearly idiotic if the guy's British.


---------- Post added 11-02-2015 at 19:35 ----------


He clearly doesn't want to be British. His heart is in Afghanistan or somewhere similar. Let him live where his heart is. He can never be happy in a liberal, secular and civilised society. He doesn't fit, anyway!


Utter rubbish. He's a confused, inadequate and immature individual. I hope he gets the help he needs while serving his sentence, but I'm not overly confident.

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who cares if he is or isnt . He clearly wants to be among the Islamic nutjobs of ISIS ,so lets give him his wish and drop him from 35,000 feet into Syria without a parachute.


So nationality, in your opinion, is not a definitive factor when considering repatriation? If people in other countries want to be amoungst us democracy loving Brits, should they be parachuted here?


If not, please explain why.


Great answer :D


No, it was a ridiculously stupid answer that appeals to the lowest common denominator.

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Utter rubbish. He's a confused, inadequate and immature individual. I hope he gets the help he needs while serving his sentence, but I'm not overly confident.


Personally I am not interested in his colour ,nor really bothered about his religion,not really bothered about his confusion,inadequacy and immaturity.I dont want to read the Koran in order to understand his thought process. To be truthful I am not really interested in his or any other religion.

I suppose that I am an angry old man who has never been blessed with patience and not really bothered about helping this person. If he and others of a similar nature cannot differentiate between all aspects of their religion ,after all I think that most religions depicts good and evil, and that killing is bad and living a healthy life in peace is good.Then why does the society that I belong to have to pander to them with understanding etc just to try and be P.C.

Why not say it as it is.The likes of ISIS are a threat everyone and anyone .The fact that Britain became involved in the Middle East and invariably helped in the creation of such a monstrosity.Then it is now time it was stopped in its tracks.

Stronger laws , a strong immigration policy that works,dealing promptly with asylum seekers and illegal immigrants as a start.


Home grown terrorists could be a mine field.My logic says ask the Islamic leaders to re school and train these fundamentalists if these lunatics would consider it.Another alternative would be to ask the individuals if they wish to remain in the UK or wish to move to another destination of their choice.

If the above is not viable or acceptable ,then the alternative is obvious.If they wish to be closer to their god,then we should do our best to accomodate them. Normally I am not an advocate of such drastic action,but at some point talking and understanding has to take second place .

Edited by esme
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I can't feel sorry for someone, no matter how lost (or that stupid) who wanted to chop someone's head for a cause they don't even begin to understand


People are not their actions, tfh


Good people, do bad things for a reason


I worry that you do


And I worry that you don't


An eye for an eye leaves all of us blind


Where does it end?


It ends when we understand

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People are not their actions, tfh


Good people, do bad things for a reason




And I worry that you don't


An eye for an eye leaves all of us blind


Where does it end?


It ends when we understand


If people aren't their actions what are they? Youre quite happy to condem rich people and/or bankers but for some reason a chap who is clearly off his rocker and wants to behead people (and who thinks other nutters who behead people are top lads) doesn't need to be condemned and put behind bars for a long time.


You are right, an eye for an eye does make the whole world blind but sometimes hugging it out with people like this bloke won't work. He'll just try and chop your head off.

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If people aren't their actions what are they? Youre quite happy to condem rich people and/or bankers but for some reason a chap who is clearly off his rocker and wants to behead people (and who thinks other nutters who behead people are top lads) doesn't need to be condemned and put behind bars for a long time.


You are right, an eye for an eye does make the whole world blind but sometimes hugging it out with people like this bloke won't work. He'll just try and chop your head off.



Thinking about this reply.


Hey Sol, why don't you go try hugging him?

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Personally I am not interested in his colour ,nor really bothered about his religion,not really bothered about his confusion,inadequacy and immaturity.I dont want to read the Koran in order to understand his thought process. To be truthful I am not really interested in his or any other religion.

I suppose that I am an angry old man who has never been blessed with patience and not really bothered about helping this person. If he and others of a similar nature cannot differentiate between all aspects of their religion ,after all I think that most religions depicts good and evil, and that killing is bad and living a healthy life in peace is good.Then why does the society that I belong to have to pander to them with understanding etc just to try and be P.C.

Why not say it as it is.The likes of ISIS are a threat everyone and anyone .The fact that Britain became involved in the Middle East and invariably helped in the creation of such a monstrosity.Then it is now time it was stopped in its tracks.

Stronger laws , a strong immigration policy that works,dealing promptly with asylum seekers and illegal immigrants as a start.


Home grown terrorists could be a mine field.My logic says ask the Islamic leaders to re school and train these fundamentalists if these lunatics would consider it.Another alternative would be to ask the individuals if they wish to remain in the UK or wish to move to another destination of their choice.

If the above is not viable or acceptable ,then the alternative is obvious.If they wish to be closer to their god,then we should do our best to accomodate them. Normally I am not an advocate of such drastic action,but at some point talking and understanding has to take second place .


I enjoyed reading this, and I agree with what you are saying.

I tend to wonder if Halibut also thinks that the men who murdered Lee Rigby should also receive counselling. These people are beyond the counselling stage.


I may be wrong but I feel that change is on the way with regards to asylum seekers and immigration. People are saying enough is enough.

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