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What is Trolling

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Generally speaking, a troll is a trouble causer.


They come in many shapes and sizes. One incarnation is the innocent "new user" who appears and starts chucking around allegations of cliques and bullying.


Some of them make characteristic spelling errors which make them easy to recognise:)


:hihi::hihi: Don't you just love the "who, what me?" innocence of them.


---------- Post added 09-02-2015 at 23:47 ----------


Nevermind, goodbye thankyou for the chat


Oh, don't get so emoticonical. 11 posts and you've thrown the towel in...wuss!

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It seems that 'troll' is used by those who have strong opinions on something, & are not prepared to listen to or accept an alternative viewpoint and have run out of persuasive or logical arguments. Its the adult version of spitting the dummy. I've just been on a thread where this has happened. Admittedly, it wasn't directed at me, but it makes me despair that efforts to engage in debate with what seem like intelligent and articulate forum members can end this way.


I first heard the word 'troll' used by Lance Armstrong to describe anyone who wouldn't sing from his hymn sheet, whether that was a minor disagreement or a major accusation. Given that Lance coined the phrase so easily, I associate the use of that word with anyone sharing some of his traits.


Anyway, rant over, will go home soon

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Welcome to the forum :)


Think of a forum/social media platform, as a social community (especially an active one like this), a troll is the equivalent of the trouble-causer, you know, the kid in the back of the class throwing paper planes and then pointing at others.


So not someone who gets involved in a debate and points out the inaccuracies in someones argument or counters an opinion with their own opinion.


---------- Post added 18-03-2015 at 16:59 ----------


It seems that 'troll' is used by those who have strong opinions on something, & are not prepared to listen to or accept an alternative viewpoint and have run out of persuasive or logical arguments. Its the adult version of spitting the dummy. I've just been on a thread where this has happened. Admittedly, it wasn't directed at me, but it makes me despair that efforts to engage in debate with what seem like intelligent and articulate forum members can end this way.


I first heard the word 'troll' used by Lance Armstrong to describe anyone who wouldn't sing from his hymn sheet, whether that was a minor disagreement or a major accusation. Given that Lance coined the phrase so easily, I associate the use of that word with anyone sharing some of his traits.


Anyway, rant over, will go home soon


It would appear so.

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I have been a member of Sheffield Forum for a few days now and haveing watched others post and read with interest what others have to say, I am struggling with the term troll which seems to be all over this forum. It also seems to be used as an insult and bandied about between different cliques on here and it does make me a little concerned about posting much.


Troll meaning on most forums = Someone who has a giggle, winds up people all in good fun and is generally a nice albeit irritating at times individual.


Troll meaning on some forums = Anyone you disagree with


Troll meaning in the media = Someone who bullies someone online, taunts them and is cruel and heartless and gets a big kick out of causing pain to anyone they can get their nasty claws into.


As with hackers/crackers the media usually gets the meaning wrong because for the most part they are stupid and dont really care about being accurate jusr as long as they can sell you tomrrows chip paper.,

Edited by WeedNoMore
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Troll meaning on most forums = Someone who has a giggle, winds up people all in good fun and is generally a nice albeit irritating at times individual.


Troll meaning on some forums = Anyone you disagree with


Troll meaning in the media = Someone who bullies someone online, taunts them and is cruel and heartless and gets a big kick out of causing pain to anyone they can get their nasty claws into.


As with hackers/crackers the media usually gets the meaning wrong because for the most part they are stupid and dont really care about being accurate just as long as they can sell you tomorrows chip paper.,



This sounds about right ... i just corrected the spelling mistakes and no im not trolling, just sayin

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