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Commons votes to ban smoking in cars in England.

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Drivers in England will be banned from smoking in their cars if they are carrying children as passengers.


The move, which will become law on 1 October, follows a similar ban in Wales and aims to protect young people under 18 from second-hand smoke. Scotland is also considering introducing a ban.


Anyone found flouting the law in England could be fined £50.


It is rapidly coming to a point where the only place for folk to smoke will be in their own back gardens.

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It is rapidly coming to a point where the only place for folk to smoke will be in their own back gardens.


As long as they still allow smoking outdoors in public spaces, it won't bother me too much. As for smoking in cars with kids in them, only an idiot would do that anyway.

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They cant stop people using a mobile while driving ,so this latest nanny state interference has no chance of being enforced.


Its just another way of trying to screw more money from the cash cow who drives a car.


They cant help themselves , they just have to keep on squeezing the motorist .


This latest brain dead , moronic law is totally un-enforcable .

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Slightly off topic, but today I was in Sainsbury's queuing behind some chap who asked the guy behind the counter if he could open the ciggie compartments, so he could look over the rolling tobacco. Well! what a kerfuffle! The staff member refused his request saying he wasn't allowed to do it. Instead he offered the fag man a ciggie menu. :) The man was non too pleased saying to staff member, "I can't read this without my specs" Staff member just stood there apologising, but sticking to his guns. The chap was ranting like mad, then he shouted down the queue.."If anyone is buying fags, you better put ya specs on, unless you know what brand you're getting."


I didn't realise buying cigs has really got to this stage now. Made me laugh anyhow.

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Slightly off topic, but today I was in Sainsbury's queuing behind some chap who asked the guy behind the counter if he could open the ciggie compartments, so he could look over the rolling tobacco. Well! what a kerfuffle! The staff member refused his request saying he wasn't allowed to do it. Instead he offered the fag man a ciggie menu. :) The man was non too pleased saying to staff member, "I can't read this without my specs" Staff member just stood there apologising, but sticking to his guns. The chap was ranting like mad, then he shouted down the queue.."If anyone is buying fags, you better put ya specs on, unless you know what brand you're getting."


I didn't realise buying cigs has really got to this stage now. Made me laugh anyhow.


Someone has been misleading to the young gantry assistant. It's perfectly within the law to allow a glance at what's on offer to a customer.

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Yes it really is a farce now.

I was recently in a supermarket buying some tobacco for somebody but I'd forgotten what it was called. I said if I saw the packet I'd know which one to buy......... they couldn't open the shutters for me to look !! Totally stupid although I know it's not the supermarkets fault but it's gone too far. :loopy:

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Drivers in England will be banned from smoking in their cars if they are carrying children as passengers.


The move, which will become law on 1 October, follows a similar ban in Wales and aims to protect young people under 18 from second-hand smoke. Scotland is also considering introducing a ban.


Anyone found flouting the law in England could be fined £50.


It is rapidly coming to a point where the only place for folk to smoke will be in their own back gardens.



I hope it will be enforced better than law prohibiting use of a hand held mobile whilst driving. £50 fine is ridiculous, it should be £500 fine

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There will be a time lapse before it makes any difference. Like drink driving and speeding legislation, the fact that smoking in cars is made illegal will - eventually - affect behaviour and people will be less likely to do it.


With mobile phone use during driving, we are still at the stage where people are a little less likely to do it [than before it was outlawed] but still need convincing of how dangerous it is.


Texting or googling while driving seems to me to be the most dangerous possible activity when driving, other than being drunk/high on drugs.

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