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Health/Fitness question - How can I gain weight?

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I have just been to the doctors. due to stress with moving house etc. I have lost a bit of weight. nearly half a stone. nearly classed as underweight. I am 5ft 2".

I need to gain weight. cant exercise as that will make me lose more. she told to eat green veg., yoghurts, more calcium. I am not a big eater.

I want to tone up. and put on a few pounds. can anyone suggest anything.

I am not a bad eater. I dont eat breakfast.

I do eat veg.

ideas for tone up, not lose weight. and a diet table.


being underwight is worse than being over weight.

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exercising won't necessarily mean you loose weight, it might even stimulate your appetite.

If the problem is undereating though, the only solution is to eat more.

Maybe you should introduce breakfast as that sets your metabolism for the day and just increase your portion size for meals.

And don't ever skip any meals.

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that is what the nurse said. exercise will make you lose weight.
:roll: That's ded helpful, that is :roll:


If you don't excercise, all you'll do is store fat, which is no good to anybody. You need a combination of good diet and excercise to enable you to put on healthy muscle.


I know a recently qualified personal trainer/diet specialist if you're interested.

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I take it you are a bloke.

Its Womens things!!

I came off the pill a few months ago. and it is getting back to normal.


blushing now!


and down to moving as well.

Yes I would like that Strix. the info., please.

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I take it you are a bloke.

Its Womens things!!

I came off the pill a few months ago. and it is getting back to normal.


blushing now!


and down to moving as well.

Yes I would like that Strix. the info., please.


I am, sorry for any embarrasment caused.

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I take it you are a bloke.

Its Womens things!!

I came off the pill a few months ago. and it is getting back to normal.


blushing now!


and down to moving as well.

Yes I would like that Strix. the info., please.


Same thing has happened to me. I came off the pill several months ago and then went through a lot of (unrelated) stress. My weight has plummeted by 10 lbs - size 8 jeans are too big!!! :help: I'm tired all the time.


I can't do my usual exercise (running) at the moment due to a knee injury and that usually is enough to stimulate my appetite and build enough muscle to keep me feeling healthy. Although no longer a big eater, I think I eat reasonably well (plenty of rice, pasta, veggies, fish, a bit of meat, maybe not enough friut though), but I'm wondering if there are any extra things that I should be adding into my diet to help.


Strix, could you get your friend to post any advice on here please? If not can you put me in touch with him direct please. Ta :thumbsup:

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