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Health/Fitness question - How can I gain weight?

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Thanks a lot Strix. appreciate it ! :thumbsup:


The nurse gave me some Adcal-D3


big tablets. have to chew. just taken one. I have got 100. god they are awful. they dont taste bad. but, I can taste something awful. even with food and a drink it was uurgh. had it with a banana and water. dont worry I am eating more tonight. going out for a meal, and lots to drink.!!!


i bet it was £6. as well.

I cant have one of those tablets a day. it says to have one in morning as well. no chance. !!!

I dont mind tablets what you can swallow but not chew.

no thanks.

I will get load of yoghurts, try some flavoured soya milk.

thanks againx

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hi everyone, and anyone, interested! i'm the friend of strix she's told you about. i've recently become qualified as a nutrition and weight management consultant and would be happy to pass on my knowledge to gain some experience. the course i did is part of the personal trainer nvq3 i'm currently studying for (in my own time, i work full time at decathlon). the course is accredited by the university of east london and based only on physiological fact. no fads. no quick fixes. just sensible lifestyle advice. i can provide a nutritional analysis of your diet and coupled with an activity analysis, suggest ways in which weight can be managed- up or down.

as a newbie on the forum, i've yet to make enough posts to be able to recieve pms', so keep this thread going for a bit!

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Call in and see us at Get Physical on Ecclesall Road. We are personal trainers & nutritionists. We are always happy to give FREE advice or check out our web site http://www.getphysical.co.uk. We've been in the industry 25 years + and pretty much seen it, said it,done it! Weight loss or weight gain is down to quality food & a good structured training programme.

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I have just been to the doctors. due to stress with moving house etc. I have lost a bit of weight. nearly half a stone. nearly classed as underweight. I am 5ft 2".

I need to gain weight. cant exercise as that will make me lose more. she told to eat green veg., yoghurts, more calcium. I am not a big eater.

I want to tone up. and put on a few pounds. can anyone suggest anything.

I am not a bad eater. I dont eat breakfast.

I do eat veg.

ideas for tone up, not lose weight. and a diet table.


being underwight is worse than being over weight.

eat more meat eggs and nuts if u go to the gym dont do to many reps and use heavier weights

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Not much help Beth29 - but I have the opposite problem and need to lose the weight...How frustrating is it?!!! Coming off the pill never worked for me that just made my tummy fatter over 9months!!!


Good luck with however you do it though. Keep us informed.

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ok beth29, the important thing to think of here is not weight, but body composition. the weight of your body includes bone, internal organs muscle and fat. the two items we have control over are muscle and fat. when your nurse told you to put on weight, i doubt very much that she intended it to be in fat! it's lean tissue- muscle- which you need to put on, along with a body fat ammount within the healthy range for your size. the only way to get the body to increase its lean tissue is through exercise backed up by a diet containing enough of the right nutrients to allow the new tissue to be made. by exercising you will create a caloirie defecit which will stimulate your hunger so you'll need to eat more and so on. i may not have made it clear in my previous reply, but i am happy to give advice free, you can pm strix if you want to get my number.

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oh yeah, and liose, similar points for weight loss. don't think in terms of weight all the time. think body composition. crash, fad and very restrictive diets lose alot of weight, but it's mostly water followed by lean tissue. very little fat is lost because the restrictive calorie intake makes the body go into survival mode and turn every calorie it can during the diet into fat! defeating the object? all professional nutritionists (as opposed to those trying to sell a quick fix to a desperate population) think so. the bodies biggest user of fat as a fuel is muscle. So the more muscle you have, the more fat you can burn! this doesn't mean having to look like mr or mrs universe, i'm happy to say! a toned healthy body, without excesive bulges, comes from doing an exercise program with many repetitions at a relatively low weight. once again, correct nutrition from a balanced diet is necessary to get results. a healthy diet is one containing enough calories to fuel your lifestyle, with the macro-nutrients (carbohydrate, protien and fat) in thier right proportions of that intake. to lose weight by shedding fat you need to create a calorie defecit between what you eat, and the energy you use in your daily life. for this to be a permanent loss it needs to be done slowly. a maximum defecit of 500 calories a day equates to 1 or 2lbs a week of weight loss. no more. but this is sustainable over a long period. not a quick fix but a change for life. even better is to reduce your food intake by 250 calories, at the same time as increasing your activity level by 250 calories. still gives the 500cal defecit. hope this is of some use.

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