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Labour - Limit dole to 2 years

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Inflation is better than deflation, but not a good thing generally.


There are figures for the number of people deliberately unemployed, it's very low.


I assume it's estimated as a % against the number who make a claim for a short while and then find work, which is the vast majority of people.

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not everyone just everyone who is on less than 7.65 an hour raise em to that and reap the extra tax revenue raised and the saving in the working tax credits, i cannot see anything but a positive affect, you could even recirculate the extra raised tax revenue to help businesses who cant yet pay the living wage, initially by forcing companies who can pay it, but don't.


Don't you see an issue with pay differentials? The people who supervise those who are currently on less than 7.65 might not be on much more than that themselves...will they be happy still having the same responsibilities for not much more than those they are supervising?

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So why is the current government trying to make businesses take people they don't want or, worse still, make aggrieved people go out into the street and pick up litter ... wearing a unemployment uniform?


Make the figures look good for the general public. If you look at how many people on JSA , then look at how many people is on family tax credit,

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There would be thousands more jobs if your beloved EU hadnt insisted on opening the borders to free movement of people. :)


Thereby lies the problem! Out of the EU, no EU members coming here to work, more jobs for our own.

Should also make zero hours contracts illegal!


---------- Post added 13-02-2015 at 10:06 ----------


Ed milliband promised everyone under 25 a job.


He's promising anything and everything to try and win the election!



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Well in my experience, you get out of life what you put in.


I didn't put much effort in at school, and struggled when I left with factory work at 16 years old, but, I put the effort in and learnt a trade and it has given me a nice life.


I have no sympathy for people that sit at home, don't work and only will when their dream job knocks on the door (which will not happen), I know a few people that play the system and put as much effort into that than they would a 40hr a week job.


Regarding AnnaB comments on the electrician going to NZ, tell him not to expect utopia, I lived there and it is very, very expensive, very poor quality housing (no gas, no insulation, leaky homes) unless he wants to house share, would be looking at a lot to rent £200.00 per week would not be out of the norm for a 2 bed house nowhere near any major city or town.


He might have to resit electrician exams because NZ doesn't recognise UK qualification with electricians, he'd probably earn the same or slightly more than here but the cost of living is a lot more, the christchurch re-build is full of Chinese and phillipenoes work 12/14 hour days living in shared accommodation.


Commuting 2/3 hours to work every morning is the norm over there as the towns are very far apart, especially in construction, trust me, I went, it's not the green heaven they try to portray it, a nice view from your garden doesn't pay a $600,000 mortgage on a wooden tent.


Made me realise what I had in the UK and how lucky I was, plenty of opportunity in the UK, you just have to go out there and grab it

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You imagine that this is somehow proof that it won't cause inflation? :huh:


---------- Post added 13-02-2015 at 09:16 ----------



And of course everybody who was previously just about £7.65 wants a raise, and everybody who was just above those people now wants a raise, and it goes on up the tree.

The business now has higher costs, so it would like to raise prices, and since many of it's customers just got a pay rise, it can, so it does.


That's exactly what inflation is.


---------- Post added 13-02-2015 at 09:18 ----------



Don't watch it, it's engineered precisely to cause the outrage you felt. The vast majority of people claiming JSA are temporarily unemployed normal people. But that would make for rather boring TV.


Its not a given a pay rise for min wage workers will cause inflation. It also does not follow everyone else gets / expects a payrise. Just dont see it working like that


The whole point is raising min wage to LIVING STANDARD wage as set out by the rowntree foundation. Everyone else beyond living standard has no complaints.


---------- Post added 13-02-2015 at 12:18 ----------


Surely the most important figure is how many people is on benefit of some type and not paying into system.


Aye, spot on. Couldnt put it better.

Edited by ubermaus
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Well in my experience, you get out of life what you put in.


I didn't put much effort in at school, and struggled when I left with factory work at 16 years old, but, I put the effort in and learnt a trade and it has given me a nice life.


I have no sympathy for people that sit at home, don't work and only will when their dream job knocks on the door (which will not happen), I know a few people that play the system and put as much effort into that than they would a 40hr a week job.


Regarding AnnaB comments on the electrician going to NZ, tell him not to expect utopia, I lived there and it is very, very expensive, very poor quality housing (no gas, no insulation, leaky homes) unless he wants to house share, would be looking at a lot to rent £200.00 per week would not be out of the norm for a 2 bed house nowhere near any major city or town.


He might have to resit electrician exams because NZ doesn't recognise UK qualification with electricians, he'd probably earn the same or slightly more than here but the cost of living is a lot more, the christchurch re-build is full of Chinese and phillipenoes work 12/14 hour days living in shared accommodation.


Commuting 2/3 hours to work every morning is the norm over there as the towns are very far apart, especially in construction, trust me, I went, it's not the green heaven they try to portray it, a nice view from your garden doesn't pay a $600,000 mortgage on a wooden tent.


Made me realise what I had in the UK and how lucky I was, plenty of opportunity in the UK, you just have to go out there and grab it


The grass is always greener. When I lived in OZ 14 years ago the exchange rate was $3 to every £1. Now I believe its around $1.50 to every £1 due to the mining explosion and Australia not being linked to global markets.


The UK is one of the best places in the world to work and setup a Business etc. It's a democratic country with low corruption. Some things are rubbish but on the whole its alright.


If work could be more attractive for long term benefit claimants, low paid workers could be paid more and we could sort the immigration problem out, we would be even better.

Edited by ubermaus
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The grass is always greener. When I lived in OZ 14 years ago the exchange rate was $3 to every £1. Now I believe its around $1.50 to every £1 due to the mining explosion and Australia not being linked to global markets.




Genuine question..how is Australia not linked to global markets?

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