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Double parking on barnsley rd towards lane top s5

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They have been petitioning the council but they said at first they wanted £100 a year off everyone on the road to do the parking scheme and a parking permit area system, they all said we are not paying that man just to park on road..init....then it went down to £30 a year and they still did not want to pay for it....so its never happened

A residents parking permit has never been more than the current £36 per annum, so I'm not sure where you have got this figure of £100 from.

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I live at Lane top and we have had parking problems from the hospital for years there, they extended the yellow lines a few years ago so they now have started parking further up the road and in some parts on both sides of the road some even parking facing the oncoming traffic,my daughter lives on Horndean road they have to put the bins and road cones on the road just to get a parking space on their road,you can tell they are staff from the hospital as you can see the NHS badges in the cars...


If this is the case the owner of that vehicle has already paid for a staff parking permit out of their wages but has been unable to find a staff parking spacr.

You can't really blame them for not wanting to pay again in the pay and display car park which is what they are expected to do.


---------- Post added 17-02-2015 at 11:17 ----------


They have been petitioning the council but they said at first they wanted £100 a year off everyone on the road to do the parking scheme and a parking permit area system, they all said we are not paying that man just to park on road..init....then it went down to £30 a year and they still did not want to pay for it....so its never happened.


---------- Post added 16-02-2015 at 08:40 ----------


No its that the NGH charge a fiver a day to park in the car park no staff discount at all thats what they say whenever I speak to them, I've had loads of arguments with people parking outside my daughters house,one of them said that the hospital was on about making a multistory car park but apparently people in the the area objected which I find hard to believe...

This is true - an application by the NGH to build a multi storey car park at the periphery of the Northern site to try to relieve the parking problem was turned down because some local folk objected.


---------- Post added 17-02-2015 at 11:18 ----------


Yes no one is denying that, Im sure you would find it just as annoying, when you can't even park your car on the same street you live never mind outside your own house...many times my daughter has come up to our house and parked her car in our yard and walked down to her house...and yes they do park over peoples drives and garage entrances...for supposed intelligent doctors and health workers most of them are very ignorant...one day my daughter rang me and said she was having trouble with her car, I ran it down the hill to bump start it for her about 20 yards reversed back up the road only to see some t%&t trying to reverse into the space in between the bins I put there to save the space...:rant:


What proof have you got that the owners of these vehicles are NHS workers ? They are 'ignorant' because they park their car where you want to park yours ??

Many, many visitors and patients attending appointments park outside of the hospital grounds because of the lack of parking within the grounds.


---------- Post added 17-02-2015 at 11:24 ----------


i think the OP has used confused a lot of people with the phrase double-parking?

He/she means cars parked on both sides of the road.


Now the NHS staff who are doing this (and i know it is NHS staff for a fact) are not breaking any laws because the double yellows don't extend to up Barnsley Road that far.


BUT, they are creating a massive problem because traffic cannot pass safely simultaneously both ways as the road narrows considerably with cars parked both sides.


The hospital management have a lot to answer for. But do they care? Judging by the brand of the cars i see in the staff car park, the management get their spaces on site!


No - I don't believe they do sadly.

'Special' car parks for 'essential car users' prevail - these 'essential car users' don't work evenings, weekends or bank holidays though as these car parks are virtually deserted at these times - not so 'essential' eh ?

Senior management and doctors have their own car parks not accessible to the riff raff (me included).

The Trust is very happy to take money out of our wages every month for the privilege of having a staff parking permit but don't guarantee that there will be anywhere to park and then expect us to pay and display. It's time for the Trust to fund an effective 'park and ride' system for those staff members who work 'office hours' on weekdays thus allowing those who work shifts to be able to park within the hospital grounds.

The personal safety of their staff does not appear to be a priority either.



Edited by Daven
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If this is the case the owner of that vehicle has already paid for a staff parking permit out of their wages but has been unable to find a staff parking spacr.

You can't really blame them for not wanting to pay again in the pay and display car park which is what they are expected to do.


---------- Post added 17-02-2015 at 11:17 ----------


This is true - an application by the NGH to build a multi storey car park at the periphery of the Northern site to try to relieve the parking problem was turned down because some local folk objected.


---------- Post added 17-02-2015 at 11:18 ----------



What proof have you got that the owners of these vehicles are NHS workers ? They are 'ignorant' because they park their car where you want to park yours ??

Many, many visitors and patients attending appointments park outside of the hospital grounds because of the lack of parking within the grounds.


---------- Post added 17-02-2015 at 11:24 ----------



No - I don't believe they do sadly.

'Special' car parks for 'essential car users' prevail - these 'essential car users' don't work evenings, weekends or bank holidays though as these car parks are virtually deserted at these times - not so 'essential' eh ?

Senior management and doctors have their own car parks not accessible to the riff raff (me included).

The Trust is very happy to take money out of our wages every month for the privilege of having a staff parking permit but don't guarantee that there will be anywhere to park and then expect us to pay and display. It's time for the Trust to fund an effective 'park and ride' system for those staff members who work 'office hours' on weekdays thus allowing those who work shifts to be able to park within the hospital grounds.

The personal safety of their staff does not appear to be a priority either.



They usually leave NHS badges and papers visible in the cars some have NHS parking discs in the windows you don't have to be sherlock holmes to work out whose cars they are..there's a guy across from daughters house who has a garage,there is a yellow line box painted on the road,yet they still park so close with the back end of the cars over the lines stopping him from getting in and out of his garage,,he has just give up trying to use his garage.there was one where some builders doing work on his house parked on his grass at the back of his house,they parked cars all along the road at the back of the builders van and the builders could not get out of his yard,I was watching them as they bounced this mini estate car with the alarm going out of the way...

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Fancypants shouldn't be so anal ( :o )


I for one have never seen two cars parked side by side on the same side of the road. "Double parking" for most means cars parked directly opposite each other, narrowing the road.


Francypants was not being anal, double parking in the eyes of the law is two cars parked side by side on the same side of the road. Cars parking opposite each other on different sides of the road is not illegal unless one or both are parked on double yellows. If you want to see double parking go down Fir vale, it happens there all the time.

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