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US Scientists seek to contact with aliens

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If there are any other 'intelligent' beings in the universe and they are anything like us, then

cruelty to their own kind and other species will be limited only by their imagination. If we

advertise ourselves as some scientists suggest and attract advanced civilisations to visit us

we better hope Will Smith & Jeff Goldblum are on hand to defeat them.

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Given the sheer scale of the universe and the numbers involved - over one hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone, and over one hundred billion galaxies in the universe - the possibility of other lifeforms has to be a certainty.


The thing that always puzzles me about aliens arriving here is the distance involved.


The distances are the same both ways, so when people ask the question " If there are aliens where are they? " the answer is " sat on their planet wondering where we are ".


The nearest solar system to us is 10.5 light years away, approximately 100 trillion kilometres.


Unless you can actually travel faster than the speed of light, which sounds unlikely to me then physical contact seems unlikely.


Alternatively, you would hope that any species that has advanced to the point where they can overcome the problem of space/time travel has also advanced to the stage where they are not a bunch of savages as we remain.

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  • 2 months later...
David Icke was right all along, and the world leaders are all lizards? :o :o


The irony of all the people who blindly follow and believe him, calling everyone else 'sheeple'.

It would be poetic justice if there actually were reptilian overlords enslaving the masses and it turned out to be the likes of Icke, Alex Jones (the US A.J.) and co.

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