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US Scientists seek to contact with aliens

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Given the sheer scale of the universe and the numbers involved - over one hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone, and over one hundred billion galaxies in the universe - the possibility of other lifeforms has to be a certainty.


The thing that always puzzles me about aliens arriving here is the distance involved.


The distances are the same both ways, so when people ask the question " If there are aliens where are they? " the answer is " sat on their planet wondering where we are ".


The nearest solar system to us is 10.5 light years away, approximately 100 trillion kilometres.


Unless you can actually travel faster than the speed of light, which sounds unlikely to me then physical contact seems unlikely.


Alternatively, you would hope that any species that has advanced to the point where they can overcome the problem of space/time travel has also advanced to the stage where they are not a bunch of savages as we remain.


What about wormholes and stuff like that? (You can tell I'm really clued up on this...)

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Given the sheer scale of the universe and the numbers involved - over one hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone, and over one hundred billion galaxies in the universe - the possibility of other lifeforms has to be a certainty.


The thing that always puzzles me about aliens arriving here is the distance involved.


The distances are the same both ways, so when people ask the question " If there are aliens where are they? " the answer is " sat on their planet wondering where we are ".


The nearest solar system to us is 10.5 light years away, approximately 100 trillion kilometres.


Unless you can actually travel faster than the speed of light, which sounds unlikely to me then physical contact seems unlikely.


Alternatively, you would hope that any species that has advanced to the point where they can overcome the problem of space/time travel has also advanced to the stage where they are not a bunch of savages as we remain.


I thought they'd given up on faster-than-light speed travel as a viable option and have been (for the past decade or so) looking at warp drive, which isn't strictly traveling, as such (I think)

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I thought they'd given up on faster-than-light speed travel as a viable option and have been (for the past decade or so) looking at warp drive, which isn't strictly traveling, as such (I think)


A friend of mine has a car with a warped drive-shaft and believe me ... it hardly approaches the speed of walk.

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What about wormholes and stuff like that? (You can tell I'm really clued up on this...)


You could be right on that, maybe that is what wormholes are, portals through time and space allowing aliens to explore other galaxies and civilizations,


You can imagine the conversation.


" We last checked up on this species 3,000 of their earth years ago."


" What were they like then?"


" Well, you won't believe it but they were such a bunch of ignorant brutal savages that they settled disagreements by killing each other."


" OK, lets turn on the computerized assessor which brings us up to date with human history to date and shows us how they have progressed in those 3,000 years."


Ten earth minutes later.


" Oooh Kayyy, tell you what, lets mark this bunch of ludicrous morons down for another inspection in 6,000 earth years, we may have to terminate them at that time - if they are still here and haven't managed to terminate themselves in the meantime - set engines to hyperdrive and lets get the hell away from this asylum for the bewildered. "

Edited by mjw47
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