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Israeli Eugenics.

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They did not instruct them to stop using Depo Provera.

They instructed workers to be absolutely sure that it was not being administered without clear and active consent.

You are looking for accusatory content that is not there.


I accept that all was not as it should be, but to accuse the state of some kind of eugenic policy is misguided.


The culture of the Ethiopians involved is such that most of their women, if asked publicly whether they are voluntarily using contraception, will be obliged to deny it, and claiming that they were coerced will not be unusual.


Fair enough, I accept your point.

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It might be an idea if you asked yourself why you dug up this old news story which was broken not by the Independent but by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, just like most news stories the Israeli government is embarrassed by are uncovered by Israeli news reporters.


These were not sterilizations but the use of a long three month form of contraception, reprehensible though it was to administer this drug to these women without their consent, to draw a direct comparison between this and Nazi medical-type atrocities, which you have done, and in which tens if not hundreds of thousands of people were murdered, is just plain wrong.


In one post, you have tried to draw a comparison between the Nazi Holocaust and the actions of an Israeli health organization which is not remotely in the same ballpark and amounts to being a form of Holocaust denial, because if all the Nazi medical-type experiments had been was contracepting women in three month blocks, nobody today would have even heard of them.


You have also tried to make out that the UK newspaper the Independent broke the story, thereby implying there was some sort of cover-up, when as is usually the case with these kind of stories, it was in actual fact Israel's journalists and Israel's free press that broke the story.


'Israel: not as bad as nazi germany'


That's quite a low bar you've set there.

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Almost as disgusting as mass forced fgm which is currently happening in this disaster of a country dont you think right now in 2015?


Are you really that dim that you are comparing a govt sanctioned practice by Israel to a non govt sanctioned practice carried out by some muslims? :loopy:

Edited by mafya
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Me too.


I love their policy of inflicting maximum civilian damage on the Palestinians at every opportunity, even when there's no justification for it.


Was it 700 Palestinian children killed in last years' rampage?


Wow, that's two schools full of Palestinian children - dead!


What's not to admire?


I admire israels retaliation not their land grabs, do you admire hamas?


---------- Post added 14-02-2015 at 19:14 ----------


Are you really that dim that you are comparing a govt sanctioned practice by Israel to a non govt sanctioned practice carried out by some muslims? :loopy:


Nah just not switched off to the fact kid you know - pretending its not happening its 2015ad and all that in the west not 815ad cappiche?

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Are you really that dim that you are comparing a govt sanctioned practice by Israel to a non govt sanctioned practice:


That is just it. It wasn't a govt sanctioned practice at all in the sense of policy but a few doctors woring for an NGO in a tent city in Ethiopia being naughty. Just as soon as the Israeli news reporter exposed the naughty Israeli doctors in the free Israeli press, the Israeli government said that to the doctors, stop being naughty by giving them these pills without their consent. And they did.

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I admire israels retaliation not their land grabs, do you admire hamas?


---------- Post added 14-02-2015 at 19:14 ----------



Nah just not switched off to the fact kid you know - pretending its not happening its 2015ad and all that in the west not 815ad cappiche?


My bold=

I only understand English, what's this foreign word cappiche mean? :rolleyes:

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In that situation certain elements out there in Ethiopia just said to themselves last thing we need if we are going to process all these Africans into Israelis is if they have babies as well so let's just use the autonomy that prescribing doctors can have anywhere, to 'discourage' them. Totally unacceptable of course but not government policy and not eugenics either.

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