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Copenhagen terror shooting

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Another terror shooting in Europe, one fatality...this time targeting a freedom of expression and blasphemy event in Copenhagen. A Danish cartoonists who drew mohammed as a dog was in attendance.


When will the islamists get it into their thick heads, this is Europe and we don't give a hoot how offended you are by words or pictures, we value our freedom more than your sensibilities.


What I don't get is why they don't just go to somewhere in the middle east where they can live under the rules they want? Is it because they would miss out on benefits?

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It was a shooting by a lone gunman, funny how they are quick to label it a terrorist attack so quickly.


I don't know any of the details yet, so I can't comment.


What I can tell you is that the fact it was a lone gunman does not exclude it from being an act of terrorism.

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So would you not call it an act of terror then?:suspect:


Not with the information I've read so far, just because the gunman may be a muslim doesn't automatically make it an act of terorism.

When we have shootings in sheffield we don't call them terrorist acts do we?


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 00:10 ----------


Another terror shooting in Europe, one fatality...this time targeting a freedom of expression and blasphemy event in Copenhagen. A Danish cartoonists who drew mohammed as a dog was in attendance.


When will the islamists get it into their thick heads, this is Europe and we don't give a hoot how offended you are by words or pictures, we value our freedom more than your sensibilities.


What I don't get is why they don't just go to somewhere in the middle east where they can live under the rules they want? Is it because they would miss out on benefits?


My bold=

ISIS is in the Middle East trying to live under rules they want but are still under attack.

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Not with the information I've read so far, just because the gunman may be a muslim doesn't automatically make it an act of terorism.

When we have shootings in sheffield we don't call them terrorist acts do we?


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 00:10 ----------



My bold=

ISIS is in the Middle East trying to live under rules they want but are still under attack.


Three gunmen shot up Charlie Hebdo. The world recognized it as an act of terror.

One gunman kills a cartoonist in Copenhagen.


Three one incident, one another incident. Explain why the second incident was not an act of terror. Numbers don't mean anything

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Why do you think that is?


Sevenrivers said let them live under rules they want in the Middle East to which I replied Isis is doing just that and still getting killed.

I was pointing out the stupidity of his suggestion........

As for why ISIS are getting attacked well don't you read and listen to the news?

If you did then maybe you would twig on why they are getting attacked. :hihi:


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 02:04 ----------


Three gunmen shot up Charlie Hebdo. The world recognized it as an act of terror.

One gunman kills a cartoonist in Copenhagen.


Three one incident, one another incident. Explain why the second incident was not an act of terror. Numbers don't mean anything


Andars breivik killed more and was branded a mass murderer rather than a terrorist as this article demonstrates= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2885228/Fascist-murderer-Anders-Breivik-HUNDREDS-letters-intercepted-prison-authorities-say-trying-orchestrate-far-right-uprising-Norwegian-jail-cell.html

What he did was an act of terror too, I don't see the headline screaming terrorist anywhere.

Did this one gunman declare he was part of any terror group?

Double standards.......

Edited by mafya
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Not with the information I've read so far, just because the gunman may be a muslim doesn't automatically make it an act of terorism.

When we have shootings in sheffield we don't call them terrorist acts do we?


No we don't,but if it happened to be at a free speech debate including controversial cartoonists ,and the perpetrator appeared to be Muslim,would I be wrong to think "here we go again" in light of the recent IS backed attack on France?:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 02:46 ----------


As for your Andars breivik comparisons,your link calls him a "Fascist murderer" "extremist" and "mass murderer".

Do you think that these titles somehow show him in a better light?:rolleyes:

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