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Copenhagen terror shooting

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Sevenrivers said let them live under rules they want in the Middle East to which I replied Isis is doing just that and still getting killed.

I was pointing out the stupidity of his suggestion........

As for why ISIS are getting attacked well don't you read and listen to the news?

If you did then maybe you would twig on why they are getting attacked. :hihi:




Well, in that case, if you were pointing out stupidity....brilliant job.

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No we don't,but if it happened to be at a free speech debate including controversial cartoonists ,and the perpetrator appeared to be Muslim,would I be wrong to think "here we go again" in light of the recent IS backed attack on France?:rolleyes:


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 02:46 ----------


As for your Andars breivik comparisons,your link calls him a "Fascist murderer" "extremist" and "mass murderer".

Do you think that these titles somehow show him in a better light?:rolleyes:


It doesn't call him a terrorist does it? :rolleyes:

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Another terror shooting in Europe, one fatality...this time targeting a freedom of expression and blasphemy event in Copenhagen. A Danish cartoonists who drew mohammed as a dog was in attendance.


When will the islamists get it into their thick heads, this is Europe and we don't give a hoot how offended you are by words or pictures, we value our freedom more than your sensibilities.


What I don't get is why they don't just go to somewhere in the middle east where they can live under the rules they want? Is it because they would miss out on benefits?


Bold: A 'terror' shooting?


Really, no one is influenced by media at all

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It was a shooting by a lone gunman, funny how they are quick to label it a terrorist attack so quickly.


It is also funny no one on here mentioned the atheist who killed 3 Muslims and even how the media tried to keep it low profile.


Now is n't that an act of terror..


Three Muslim students at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were tragically murdered by a crazed progressive atheist, and the mainstream media is ignoring that fact.




Even Dawkins had to come out and condemn the act...is this something we are going to see more of- I hope not.


Richard Dawkins condemns Chapel Hill shooting suspected to have been carried out by 'anti-theist' that left three Muslims dead




Richard Dawkins has decried the shooting in North Carolina that left three young Muslims dead in their family home.


The vocal opponent of organised religion called for condemnation of the massacre on Twitter.




Many decent folks and those with common sense will know terrorism has no religion so Muslims won't be blaming all atheists- don't worry now.:)

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Sevenrivers said let them live under rules they want in the Middle East to which I replied Isis is doing just that and still getting killed.

I was pointing out the stupidity of his suggestion........


ISIS isn't a country. There are plenty of places such as Saudi or Pakistan that have stupid blasphemy laws were they could move to where they may be happier than having to live in heathen Europe.

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ISIS is in the Middle East trying to live under rules they want but are still under attack.

ISIS is in the Middle East trying to live under rules they want and trying to make everyone else live under the rules they want, killing those who resist. Most of their victims are Muslim.


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 08:39 ----------


Andars breivik killed more and was branded a mass murderer rather than a terrorist as this article demonstrates= http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2885228/Fascist-murderer-Anders-Breivik-HUNDREDS-letters-intercepted-prison-authorities-say-trying-orchestrate-far-right-uprising-Norwegian-jail-cell.html

What he did was an act of terror too, I don't see the headline screaming terrorist anywhere.

Did this one gunman declare he was part of any terror group?

Double standards.......


Of course it's double standards, what else do you expect from the Daily Mail? !!!


It (obviously) doesn't matter what the Daily Mail say or don't say about him, he was tried and convicted of terrorism. He is a terrorist.

Edited by RootsBooster
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It was a shooting by a lone gunman, funny how they are quick to label it a terrorist attack so quickly.


I wonder if it is because of the meeting that was taking place was to do with freedom of speech and apparently the some dutch cartoonists were inside.


It would not take the most intelligent of investigators long to deduce it WAS a terrorist attack. Whoever it is Denmark along with every other country that values free speech will never give in to these fanatics.


Anybody that justifies these cowardly attacks and say that people should not be entitled to make comments on religion or the leaders of there religion please feel free to emigrate out of this great country. The muslim community are sadly mistaken if they think they can stop free speech sharia law will NEVER be the law in this country every citizen should abide by our DEMOCRATIC laws and nobody should be allowed to pick and choose there own law just because of their religion.


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 09:20 ----------


It doesn't call him a terrorist does it? :rolleyes:

As I have pointed out it seems yet another attack on free speech by another fanatic supposedly muslim.


Mafya if you are so upset at the fact that people across this country are labelling this a terrorist attack why do you not make a useful contribution to this subject and call it what it is an attack on FREEDOM OF SPEECH.


If the muslim community are serious about intergrating in to the great british society then the leaders of this faith should be more vociferous in condemning these attacks. Have some respect for this country and its values people have fought and died and had free elections for the principles of freedom of speech and for everybody to be treated equal in the eyes of the LAW if you do not agree feel free to emigrate somewhere else please.


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 09:46 ----------


It doesn't call him a terrorist does it? :rolleyes:


Mafya Mr.BLOOM asked you a question about ISIS yet you have not answered him care to share your thoughts.


They are cowardly B....... are you not reviled and sickened at what these people are doing these are muslims killing muslims in some cases you could not make it up.

They are attacks on free speech and they are RELIGOUSLY motivated who cares what people say about religion and there leaders my parents brought me up to respect the law and other people whoever they be but I am afraid the Muslim leaders of this country ARE FAILING IN THERE DUTY to show the same respect to this countrys way of life. If you are not happy with some of the comments on this forum then tough thats whats called freedom of speech.

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I wonder if it is because of the meeting that was taking place was to do with freedom of speech and apparently the some dutch cartoonists were inside.


It would not take the most intelligent of investigators long to deduce it WAS a terrorist attack. Whoever it is Denmark along with every other country that values free speech will never give in to these fanatics.


Anybody that justifies these cowardly attacks and say that people should not be entitled to make comments on religion or the leaders of there religion please feel free to emigrate out of this great country. The muslim community are sadly mistaken if they think they can stop free speech sharia law will NEVER be the law in this country every citizen should abide by our DEMOCRATIC laws and nobody should be allowed to pick and choose there own law just because of their religion.


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 09:20 ----------


As I have pointed out it seems yet another attack on free speech by another fanatic supposedly muslim.


Mafya if you are so upset at the fact that people across this country are labelling this a terrorist attack why do you not make a useful contribution to this subject and call it what it is an attack on FREEDOM OF SPEECH.


If the muslim community are serious about intergrating in to the great british society then the leaders of this faith should be more vociferous in condemning these attacks. Have some respect for this country and its values people have fought and died and had free elections for the principles of freedom of speech and for everybody to be treated equal in the eyes of the LAW if you do not agree feel free to emigrate somewhere else please.


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 09:46 ----------



Mafya Mr.BLOOM asked you a question about ISIS yet you have not answered him care to share your thoughts.


They are cowardly B....... are you not reviled and sickened at what these people are doing these are muslims killing muslims in some cases you could not make it up.

They are attacks on free speech and they are RELIGOUSLY motivated who cares what people say about religion and there leaders my parents brought me up to respect the law and other people whoever they be but I am afraid the Muslim leaders of this country ARE FAILING IN THERE DUTY to show the same respect to this countrys way of life. If you are not happy with some of the comments on this forum then tough thats whats called freedom of speech.


Best of luck with that one,

Swarming around hero Monty, the hardline Muslims protesting AGAINST freedom of speech: Thousands gather outside Downing Street over 'uncivilised' Charlie Hebdo cartoonists


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2944946/Thousands-British-Muslims-protest-against-Charlie-Hebdo-magazine-publishing-cartoons-Prophet-Mohammed.html#ixzz3Ro2CHvFn

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