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Copenhagen terror shooting

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I already gave you an answer on the racist taxi driver thread, maybe you should make a worthwhile contribution yourself instead of demanding things from others eh and ranting on about sharia law....:rolleyes:


The irony of you telling other posters about making a worthwhile contribution is astounding i think you should scroll through your posts and take a look at the way in which you speak to people.


You come across as a very arrogant individual who is quick to label others yet as soon as someone dares to mention the word Muslim or Islam you throw your teddies out of the pram even though the people posting their own personal views are correct you accuse them of being Muslim haters :roll: i think you need to take that huge chip off of your shoulder and realize that just because people have an opinion about Islam that you do not agree with it does not make them Muslim haters.



Anyway back on topic these terrorist attacks in Copenhagen are yet more proof if any were needed about the threat these Islamic extremists pose to the world.


We face a serious problem here in the UK from these Islamic extremists and if something isn't done now before it's too late it could have grave consequences for our country.

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The irony of you telling other posters about making a worthwhile contribution is astounding i think you should scroll through your posts and take a look at the way in which you speak to people.


You come across as a very arrogant individual who is quick to label others yet as soon as someone dares to mention the word Muslim or Islam you throw your teddies out of the pram even though the people posting their own personal views are correct you accuse them of being Muslim haters :roll: i think you need to take that huge chip off of your shoulder and realize that just because people have an opinion about Islam that you do not agree with it does not make them Muslim haters.



Anyway back on topic these terrorist attacks in Copenhagen are yet more proof if any were needed about the threat these Islamic extremists pose to the world.


We face a serious problem here in the UK from these Islamic extremists and if something isn't done now before it's too late it could have grave consequences for our country.


I do make a worthwhile contribution, I weed out the muslim haters.

I havnt got a chip on my shoulder and I treat people how they treat me, if you come on here slagging muslims off and tarring all muslims as the same I will respond in kind.

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It was a shooting by a lone gunman, funny how they are quick to label it a terrorist attack so quickly.
It was hardly an act of love, was it!


---------- Post added 15-02-2015 at 23:50 ----------


So would you not call it an act of terror then?:suspect:
He would if the perp was an Israeli!
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I do make a worthwhile contribution, I weed out the muslim haters.

I havnt got a chip on my shoulder and I treat people how they treat me, if you come on here slagging muslims off and tarring all muslims as the same I will respond in kind.


You weed out Muslim haters?


And then what?


Can you tell me why, we should not hate Muslims.

(Serious question)

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I do make a worthwhile contribution, I weed out the muslim haters.

I havnt got a chip on my shoulder and I treat people how they treat me, if you come on here slagging muslims off and tarring all muslims as the same I will respond in kind.


From the start you were rejecting the idea that the attack was a terrorist attack. It quite clearly was a terrorist attack as it involved attacks on a political meeting and a synagogue rather than a random crime.


You seem incapable of understanding that criticism of an attack of this kind isn't a criticism of all Muslims and Islam. There are people who will try and tar all Muslims with the terrorist brush but your refusal to accept that a terrorist is a terrorist just because he shares your religion just means you're as blinkered as they are.

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You know exactly what i mean if any citizen of this country objects to a law that has been passed by a democratic government there are procedures you can follow to express make your feelings known and you have the opportunity to vote out any government that does not take your view.

i am not talking about a few muslims here i am talking about the entire muslim population who are hell bent on bringing in there own laws without challenge.

If you want to be an apologist for this then i suggest you may want to go to a muslim country and try to implement some of our laws there especially FREEDOM OF SPEECH and see how far you get with that


You believe that "the entire muslim population" are "hell bent on bringing in there own laws without challenge"? Do you have any evidence to support this quite staggering claim? It is absurd to claim that an entire population of any time is collectively trying to do anything.


Why would you invite me to go to a Muslim country? I am aware of the awful level of human rights in the Muslim world. However, we are talking about the actions and desires of Muslims in this country.


You are making yourself look incredibly stupid. What was your old username and why don't the mods block you from setting up new accounts?

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