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Amey and the Tarmac fiasco

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When I pick my OH up from her house every morning I had to dodge all the pot holes due to the winter weather/snow we've had. Thankfully around two weeks ago this was "corrected" and it was fine...until the other day when I went over a pothole which has opened up again.


Great work guys...


To be fair, it does have a ring of yellow paint around it so it'll be done for the end of March I suspect.

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Even though some roads have still not been done, the roads that have been done are just in as bad state as before. . The amount of pot holes in new roads is disgusting and lethal. . Sort it out amey cos road tax prices are ridulcas and nothing to show for our money..


You can report all new potholes on the freshly resurfaced roads, IIRC there's a special form online to do it somewhere.


Amey have given a 5 year guarantee on the roads, so any repairs will be done as part of this project.

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I hear the Queen is visiting the Cathedral tomorrow to give out the Maundy money. I thought it would be a good idea if she were to go via Crookes, then we might have got our main road done, don't suppose she will tho' !!!


Like many of the things you read on the forum the facts get a little confused. Maundy Thursday is on April 2 this year, not tomorrow.

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Even though some roads have still not been done, the roads that have been done are just in as bad state as before. . The amount of pot holes in new roads is disgusting and lethal. . Sort it out amey cos road tax prices are ridulcas and nothing to show for our money..


Where are these new roads that have pot holes in them, I haven't seen (or felt any) when driving around recently. I wonder if i've just been lucky.


Just a point to note as well, road tax doesn't exist. You pay a Vehicle Excise Duty, It is not directly linked to the budgets that go towards resurfacing or repairing roads. It is general taxation, the same as PAYE, VAT and basically everything else that is paid.

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They resurfaced all the roads the tour the France came over. All that work and resurfacing for only one little pass by a few cyclist.

And Ignored all the important places that needed urgent repair.

I reckon it signifies a part of English culture to do things like this. The real tax evaders get a freebee while people below them are threatened with huge fines and penalties.

We will be visiting some friends abroad soon and where they live all the roads are in good condition and properly maintained.


No, they didn't.



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I hear the Queen is visiting the Cathedral tomorrow to give out the Maundy money. I thought it would be a good idea if she were to go via Crookes, then we might have got our main road done, don't suppose she will tho' !!!


She's had to cancel, sends her apologies, and has re-arranged it for Maundy Thursday instead!


(Bah. Too late!)

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Hopefield Avenue S12 was resurfaced last year during the recent bad weather a large pot hole appeared and was supposedly repaired but the repair is an absolute disgrace, this has been reported by the way. Any more bad weather this winter will result in this supposedly fixed pot hole getting worse again and it won't be long until this road is as bad as it was before it was resurfaced. Bunch of cowboys - Amey are looking into why it was repaired this way.

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