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Rotherham can become a beacon of Muslim Hope

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You said it takes a lot of manpower to abuse 1400 girls which would be true if it happened over a few weeks or months. It happened over many years which is why it doesn't take mass manpower and there's no evidence of any sort to suggest any one community being involved on mass. What is also clear is that not all the girls were white and not all offenders were of Asian Muslim background.


You're right I am from a different planet to Rotherham. My experience of Rotherham is of a segregated town where ignorant bigotry is rife. Other parts of northern England are the same although things are not as bad as they once were.


Well that's because it is hard to use evidence to support a highly subjective statement like that.


Their is plenty of evidence to suggest that the Pakistani community was massively disproportionately involved. When wide-scale crime in endemic in a particular society, the rest of the community generally has some awareness. You will know this if you have ever lived in a deprived area. You know the drug dealers, the people who can get you guns, the people who commit hideous violent crimes.


People talk, especially in the Pakistani community. It is very integrated compared to wider British society. Everyone knows everyone's business.

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Well that's because it is hard to use evidence to support a highly subjective statement like that.


Their is plenty of evidence to suggest that the Pakistani community was massively disproportionately involved. When wide-scale crime in endemic in a particular society, the rest of the community generally has some awareness. You will know this if you have ever lived in a deprived area. You know the drug dealers, the people who can get you guns, the people who commit hideous violent crimes.


People talk, especially in the Pakistani community. It is very integrated compared to wider British society. Everyone knows everyone's business.


There's also massive evidence to show that Asian Muslim males in Rotherham are disproportionately represented in the night time economies of the town. They own the takeaways and drive the cabs which is why there is a higher number of Asian offenders in this type of night time on street grooming. However in overall grooming in the UK Asian Muslims are not disproportionately involved at all.


You do an injustice to the people of Pakistan by calling these men Pakistani. For a start they didn't come over here from Pakistan and start committing offences. The offenders were all born and brought up in Rotherham.


Secondly their parents or grandparents migrated from a select few villages in southern Azad Kashmir which is a separate region under Pakistani administration. The people from those villages in Azad Kashmir speak a different language to most people in Pakistan. They also have a strong sense of Kashmiri identity and see mainland Pakistanis as somewhat different to them.


That doesn't mean they will not identify with Pakistan or Pakistanis but what it means is that they are a select group and not representative of Pakistanis in general.


Therefore it would be better if you used the term Britsih Asian to describe these men because that's what they are.

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Therefore it would be better if you used the term Britsih Asian to describe these men because that's what they are


Thanks for this explanation, Bounce :)


Breaking things down, certainly helps to understand how such a strange situation could have arisen


---------- Post added 01-03-2015 at 16:03 ----------


People talk, especially in the Pakistani community. It is very integrated compared to wider British society. Everyone knows everyone's business


Oh really


Then it's interesting that so many asian girls were also raped, yet their stories have hardly been told here?


Significant that the grooming was general widespread female abuse, and not just the working class whites, that the media would have us believe

Edited by Solomon1
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