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White Lion, Heeley

Andy C

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will you be having bands on again ?


Yes indeed! We are continuing the live music tradition and also expanding the range to include new items like Martin Bedford's Honeybee Blues Club. We'll be using the events section on SF to advertise as well as the website, Facebook etc so keep an eye out on there.

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Hi Andy (and every one else)


Sorry to hear of your bad experience at the pub. In the spirit of transparency, I'll let you know what's going on.


Currently the pub is in the hands of a holding company whilst the transfer of ownership goes through. Never a great thing for a pub, but there was little choice in the matter due to the time involved in getting all the legals sorted. As a result of the tenancy conditions imposed on a holding company, it means that they do not qualify to order beers outside of a stock range and this then means that they have not been able to get the normal mainstays such as Jaipur, Sequoia, Moonshine etc.


Myself and my partner are the new owners going in. This is for a 5 year lease as a minimum and we take ownership on Monday 23rd Feb.


We've been residents of the area for 15 years and have been regulars at The White for roughly the same amount of time so we're fully aware of what the pub was, what it is now and what it also needs to get back on track. It goes without saying that we're fully committed on making the place great again.


I'll be posting on here as things go along and develop, particularly as we have some big changes planned - diversifying the music, a focus on community (especially local concerns and charities), a reinvestment in the beer and malt whisky offer and, possibly most importantly, a review of the pricing! There's a lot more but this isn't the thread for that info.


Like said at the start, I'm sorry you had a bad experience and its very frustrating for us as it is out of our hands until next week. Please do pop in and try again. And AndyC - your first pint is on me!


Many thanks, Jon and Mandy


Are you buying the pub or taking a lease from a pubco?

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Good luck with the pub. Hope it's a success but always worry when it's a Punch or Enterprise pub that the restrictions and costs passed on the landlord make it very difficult to make a success of it.


Apparently the Brothers is still a tenanted Punch Tavern though (I thought it was a freehouse) so they've shown it's possible to make a good go of it!


Hopefully it stays dog friendly and yep the music is perhaps diversified a bit. In the end the rock cover bands playing at 300db and the expensive beer and poor service stopped us going in.

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