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Russia keep coming into U.K air space ??

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BTW, I cannot believe that anyone is losing any sleep over a couple of vintage piston-engined 'nuclear capable' Bear bombers flying around our coasts. During the Thatcher/Reagan years such 'incursions' of airspace by the same aircraft were ten a penny and the remarkable thing is that an aircraft so old and patched up, that the year it was originally flown (late 1940's/early 50's) is actually closer to the reign of Queen Victoria than it is to the present day! The 'Bear' was certainly cutting edge technology in 1949, but even as early as the 50's had given way to ICBM's and later on submarine launched missiles as Russia's real nuclear force, and nowadays is more of a glorified Naval Submarine-hunter role or training-flight. Essentially, the only reason why Russia is happily still flying them on spotter/training missions around our coasts is to show us that it still can.:mad::hihi:


You dont think Russia has updated the plane since its debut? lol.

The fact it can get here WITH a nuclear payload makes it very very VERY dangerous indeed. Dont be fooled by how it looks.

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Yes, it really isn't a good idea to underestimate the Tu-95 just because it's old and propellor-driven. The Bear is a remarkable feat of engineering, capable of delivering an enormous payload from Russia to anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere without refuelling, and quite a bit of the Southern Hemisphere, too. Its capabilities are broadly comparable with the B-52, whilst being cheaper, simpler, more durable and far more fuel-efficient. I've heard it said that the tips of the Tu-95's propellors make the loudest noise ever generated by man!


As for the flights, they used to be a pretty routine occurrence from the Cold War up until the mid-90s. The RAF used to have a nickname for them, but I can't recall it (beater flights, or something). Then the flights largely stopped, but Russia would still mount the odd one every few years, which might make the papers during a slow news week. Had Cuba not moved away from Russia and closer to the US since the breakup of the USSR, we might have seen a return to the old Cold War patrol that saw Tu-95s flying up over the arctic and right down the East Coast of America before refuelling in Cuba. That would've made for some interesting coverage on Fox News!


The response testing flights do seem to have ramped up in the past couple of years, as Russia has become more belligerent towards the West. It does seem a bit strange that it's very suddenly started being covered very noisily by the press. This is probably the Tory's tame press barons giving Cameron a pre-election opportunity to look strong and decisive towards Putin, whilst in reality being quite ineffective and inconsequential. To put it in perspective - RAF Typhoons intercepted a fully-armed Tu-22 bomber and four Sukhoi Su-27s last June, but you'd barely have known it unless you were an aviation enthusiast.


It was plastered all over the press. A quick google search brought up the article below, and many others.



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Oh, it was covered. A bit. You can find it on websites, but there was nothing on broadcast media and barely anything in print. Compare that to the media response to this, really much less significant incident, and it's pretty clear that there has been a conscious decision to make a lot of noise about this one because it suits certain people's agenda.

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There are 2 answers to this. Answer 1 is, No, Of course not as our media would tell us immediately.

Or the real answer which is Yes, frequently.

Take your pick :)


I don't think they've entered UK airspace. They regularly skirt it closely though.

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Talking of Russians ... oh dear


"The UK is considering "further requests" for support from Ukraine but will not send combat troops, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has told MPs"




In contrast to



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