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Russia keep coming into U.K air space ??

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So what are you saying the government controlled media of America Britain and other nations don't engage in propaganda?


I much prefer living in the UK as compared with Russia so I'm not claiming it's a Utopia. However, I'm well aware of the hypocrisy and double standards from the American government and our government on this issue.


Look at the tables of the freedom of the press in Britain,and then look where Russia is.........People in Britain and many other countries can make their own minds up from what stories they read in the press,and from what slant the various and free press decide to put on it,depending on the media outlets political stance.............Russia has a media that mostly dances to the Kremlins tune,so their people only get one story,the one that Putin wants them to hear.

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Good move, I like a forward thinker. :)


Lucked out a bit more too. Those NS who were posted to Germany ended up having to do an extra six months on top of their two years due to the end of the call up and the transition to an all volunteer army which left a lot of units temporarily short on manpower.


Yours truly returned home in style aboard a troopship, three weeks cruise courtesy of the army and was discharged just one month before my two years were up.


Still had to do 6 years in the reserves afterwards and was notified that in case of war and reservists were mobilized I was to report to an artillery unit way up in the north of Scotland. I guess they knew I was far to valuable to be merely squandered in a nuke attack :D

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Its a historical fact that America belongs to the Native Americans so what are Europeans doing there now in the majority? Same could be said for Australia. If you believe all Australians should return to Britain immediately and all Americans must leave apart from the natives then I'll accept your point. Rigged joke election? Where's your evidence? The Crimean people are Russian so why wouldn't they vote to be in Russia? More evidence to suggest the Ukrainian election was rigged.





Here's your evidence:







Ex-terrorist leader: “Referendum in Crimea was a farce”





2015/01/24 • Russia


Article by: Jaroslav Jay


Igor Girkin, ex-minister of defense of the so-called Donetsk Republic, who fled Donetsk in August of 2014, when Ukrainian forces began their suppression of terrorist forces, has now become a peculiar kind of self-whistle blower. Recently, sitting in a studio of the “Polit-Ring” debate TV show featured by something called NeuroMirTV, Girkin has openly described some of the schemes which were implemented during the illegal referendum in Crimea in the spring of 2014, which was later used as the excuse by Russia for the annexation of the peninsula. As his opponent is passionately describing how Crimean outfits of the Ukrainian army and the police were, in his opinion, in all ways supporting of “people’s desire to reunite with Russia”, Girking quietly laughs, and retorts:


“Have you actually been to Crimea during the referendum? Well, I have. I have been there since February the 21th. What you are describing here is absolute rubbish. There were no policemen who supported our side at that time. The only law-enforcement subdivision that has joined our ranks back then was the Berkut. The rest of the law-enforcement agencies remained under control of Ukrainian Ministry of Internal, and kept carrying out the MIA’s orders. Yes, sometimes they were sabotaging these orders, but all in all they were under Ukrainian control. I haven’t seen any support from official governmental representatives in Simferopol. Our troops had to force the deputies into the Oblast Council hall so that these representatives would vote in favor of our initiatives. I know this because I have been at the time commandeering one of such militant teams and I’ve seen it all from the inside. We had absolutely no support from the people, not to mention the army. The Ukrainian army units remained loyal to Kyiv as they were. Furthermore, most of the army remained that way. The only thing that made what we have accomplished in Crimea possible was the presence of Russian army.”

Girkin’s militant façade is pretty much gone today, as if the ex-terrorist is trying to distance himself from responsibility for his crimes. His Cossack style wavy hair has become neatly trimmed; his camouflage is now replaced with cozy Mr. Rogers cardigan. Though outspoken about the atrocities he caused, of which he seems to be nevertheless proud, an ex-rebel prefers to maintain somewhat neutral towards the war today, though bitter about, as he puts it, the lack of Russian support in the East of Ukraine. Whether this is his way of agitating for further Russian invasion or simply a covert lie to avoid awkward questions about his rushed departure from Donetsk in the end of August 2014 is hard to tell. What is undeniable though is that Girking is not too keen about returning to his “rebellion” activities in Ukraine. Perhaps it is time for his comrades to follow their leader’s example. After all, he is still alive and in one piece.

Edited by chalga
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And that's where those tanks will stay.


Putin would regard shipping them to Ukraine as a provocative act, and Obama doesn't want to get into an escalating skirmish with a world superpower.


For goodness' sake, the US army can't even keep a lid on the Middle East!


That means then that in all likelihood Putin will eventually get his way in eastern Ukraine and a chunk of that going back to the new Russian empire in the making. The Crimea already gone, what next.. the Baltic states?


Putin like so many others in history and in his position will convince himself that he is infallible and with a bit of push and aggression can get his way.


Fatal mistake and one reason why nations drift into war sooner or later

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That means then that in all likelihood Putin will eventually get his way in eastern Ukraine and a chunk of that going back to the new Russian empire in the making. The Crimea already gone, what next.. the Baltic states?


Putin like so many others in history and in his position will convince himself that he is infallible and with a bit of push and aggression can get his way.


Fatal mistake and one reason why nations drift into war sooner or later


I'd like to think that as the Baltic states are members of Nato, article 5 will deter Putin. But he is who he is so nobody really knows !

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That means then that in all likelihood Putin will eventually get his way in eastern Ukraine and a chunk of that going back to the new Russian empire in the making. The Crimea already gone, what next.. the Baltic states?


Putin like so many others in history and in his position will convince himself that he is infallible and with a bit of push and aggression can get his way.


You may be right.


But who will stand up to Putin?


Obama won't challenge him directly.


We'll see another Cold War between the US and Russia, being fought once again via proxy through Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

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If you really want to understand the place of war (or even cold war) in human endeavours I would suggest reading the fictional extract from;


The Theory and Practice of Oligarchial Collectinism. quoted in Orwells 1984.


I would advocate to anyone the reading the whole book it makes a lot of what has happened make some kind of sense.



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You may be right.


But who will stand up to Putin?


Obama won't challenge him directly.


We'll see another Cold War between the US and Russia, being fought once again via proxy through Eastern Europe and the Middle East.


Wait until 2016. Things could change very rapidly :D

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