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Russia keep coming into U.K air space ??

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That doesn't make sense. Why didn't other NATO countries launch against them before getting to the UK?


Because they weren't looking for trouble.:huh: And probably nowhere near any Nato members military installations,or airspace.

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That doesn't make sense. Why didn't other NATO countries launch against them before getting to the UK?


Because they weren't looking for trouble.:huh: And probably nowhere near any Nato members military installations,or airspace.


Because they passed over French airspace, who promptly surrendered.

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Like it wouldn't be intercepted by fighter jets at three times the speed and blown out of the sky a few hundred miles before it reached it's target


Yeah. And Maveric and Goose would then fly back to their ship to a pounding 80s soundtrack where Maveric would make a high speed pass over the tower AND an admirals daughter!

I feel the need, The need for SPEED!

Thank the lord we have America with us on this one guys :rolleyes:

Edited by GormanD
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What hypocrisy and double standards would they be ? Putin is arming Ukrainian secessionists and sending in Russian troops disguised as rebels while France and Germany dither around trying to get him to honour a cease fire.


Lithuania has just reintroduced conscription. This gives some measure on just how threatened the rest of Russia's neighbours feel


Hypocrisy and double standards of the American government and our government who have been intervening militarily all over the world throughout history and right up to the present day, both directly and indirectly. In most cases the intervention has caused a lot more problems than it has solved.


So if it's okay for America and its allies to get involved militarily all over the world why is it not okay for Putin? Putin has his justification just as the American government have theirs. The difference is Putin is involved in his own backyard whereas America gets involved in all continents of the world and many a time the justification has turned out to be lies like in the case of Iraq.

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I do not think rasputinwill be satisfied until he has got the port of Mariupol.This will make it even more easy for him to take as much of Ukraine as he wants.Who will stop him?N.A.T.O. cannot interfere because they are not a member and the same applies with the E.U.In fact shelling can be heard even now just outside Mariupol.

Edited by Kidorry
More info added.
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Hypocrisy and double standards of the American government and our government who have been intervening militarily all over the world throughout history and right up to the present day, both directly and indirectly. In most cases the intervention has caused a lot more problems than it has solved.


So if it's okay for America and its allies to get involved militarily all over the world why is it not okay for Putin? Putin has his justification just as the American government have theirs. The difference is Putin is involved in his own backyard whereas America gets involved in all continents of the world and many a time the justification has turned out to be lies like in the case of Iraq.

Spot on :thumbsup:

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Hypocrisy and double standards of the American government and our government who have been intervening militarily all over the world throughout history and right up to the present day, both directly and indirectly. In most cases the intervention has caused a lot more problems than it has solved.


So if it's okay for America and its allies to get involved militarily all over the world why is it not okay for Putin? Putin has his justification just as the American government have theirs. The difference is Putin is involved in his own backyard whereas America gets involved in all continents of the world and many a time the justification has turned out to be lies like in the case of Iraq.

So you are suggesting that ras putin can just take back all the countries that were in the U.S.S.R before it broke up,even if the countries do not want to go back.

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