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Russia keep coming into U.K air space ??

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Hypocrisy and double standards of the American government and our government who have been intervening militarily all over the world throughout history and right up to the present day, both directly and indirectly. In most cases the intervention has caused a lot more problems than it has solved.


So if it's okay for America and its allies to get involved militarily all over the world why is it not okay for Putin? Putin has his justification just as the American government have theirs. The difference is Putin is involved in his own backyard whereas America gets involved in all continents of the world and many a time the justification has turned out to be lies like in the case of Iraq.


The difference is that Putin wants to permanently annex the parts of eastern Europe that were once enslaved by the Soviet Union.

America and it's allies may have involved themselves militarily in different parts of the world but there was no intention to permanently occupy those parts. You cannot blame America or it's allies for what's happening in the middle east at present. Sectarian warfare is the problem in Libya, Syria and the Yemen.


In retrospect it's probably better that these countries should be ruled by the likes of Khadaffi , Saddam and Assad. The mistake made by the west was that they took it upon themselves in the past two decades to concern themselves with the atrocities that Khadaffi and Saddam were committing against their own people. Obviously that good intention has now backfired.


If ISIS prevail then maybe a mutual understanding between them and the west could be reached. They leave us alone and in return they can carry on with their beheadings and burnings.


The end result would be that there would be two worlds in one, the democratic western world and the eastern carbon copy medieval type world that existed in Europe 700 years ago

Edited by Harleyman
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The end result would be that there would be two worlds in one, the democratic western world and the eastern carbon copy medieval type world that existed in Europe 500 years ago


That is the situation as it stands now.

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That is the situation as it stands now.


But with a difference that ISIS and the west leave each other alone. Why should we go on giving a damn after all? It got us nowhere. Let em get on with it. They will eventually devour themselves anyway


---------- Post added 26-02-2015 at 18:18 ----------


Because they passed over French airspace, who promptly surrendered.


Come on now! The French never were or are "surrender monkeys" as some misguided folk like to depict them.


Historically they had one the best armies in the world rivalled only by that of Britain's. They fought the Germans to a stand still during WW One taking horrendous losses in the process. They fought bravely and gallantly in 1940 also, their only drawback being that they suffered from bad leadership at that time

Edited by Harleyman
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The worrying thing about Russia's incursion is that they are flying around some very busy airspace with their transponders switched off. There is a potential for a tragic accident.


Thank you for that thought, the wife and I are flying out to Tenerife for a week tomorrow morning. :(

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If anything happens to you I'll avenge your death. You can rely upon me! :hihi:


Should the terrible misfortune occur may I offer you some advice?


When setting out to invade Moscow in your mission of revenge try to time it so you don't arrive there just as winter sets in, it gets parky and can interfere with your plans.


Fag a Ballagh! :thumbsup:


---------- Post added 26-02-2015 at 19:10 ----------


You'll be okay mate, don't worry :) Just so long as you're not flying Aeroflot with a Russian pilot in the cockpit


Thomas Cook, probably with a Polish trainee pilot! :o:D

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The difference is that Putin wants to permanently annex the parts of eastern Europe that were once enslaved by the Soviet Union.

America and it's allies may have involved themselves militarily in different parts of the world but there was no intention to permanently occupy those parts. You cannot blame America or it's allies for what's happening in the middle east at present. Sectarian warfare is the problem in Libya, Syria and the Yemen.


In retrospect it's probably better that these countries should be ruled by the likes of Khadaffi , Saddam and Assad. The mistake made by the west was that they took it upon themselves in the past two decades to concern themselves with the atrocities that Khadaffi and Saddam were committing against their own people. Obviously that good intention has now backfired.


If ISIS prevail then maybe a mutual understanding between them and the west could be reached. They leave us alone and in return they can carry on with their beheadings and burnings.


The end result would be that there would be two worlds in one, the democratic western world and the eastern carbon copy medieval type world that existed in Europe 700 years ago


Oh really so why does the US have more military bases around the world than any other country. The current situation in Libya is a direct result of NATO intervention by way of bombing Libya. The current situation in Syria is also a consequence of America backing of the rebels as well as stooge puppet allies in the Middle East also backing the rebels. After the emergence of ISIS America somewhat changed sides and the stooge allies followed. The problem now is neither the stooge Arab allies nor America and its western allies know who they're fighting for.


The 2003 Iraq bombing and invasion was based on lies and nothing to do with helping the Iraqi people. You don't help people by bombing and occupying them imposing stooge sectarian puppet regimes on them. If Americas intentions were so honorable why were they supporting Saddam when he was gassing the Kurds in the 1988 massacre at Halabja? In 2003 when he wasn't doing anything suddenly America decides it must save the Iraqi people by killing them? America has a long history of this, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, drone strikes on various countries. America has military bases in Asia, South America, the Middle East, Europe. Yet you are complaining over Putin taking Crimea back? Putins actions pail into insignificance compared to American imperialist actions around the world.


On the one hand you complain about Russian imperialism and on the other hand you try to justify it when it's the west doing it?


America doesn't mind Middle Eastern dictators as long as they behave like stooges. Mubarak in Egypt and the Saudi Royal family to name a few. They only seem to have a problem when the dictator goes against American interests in the region.


The beheading's of foreign nationals by IS started after America and other countries decided to start bombing in Syria and Iraq. Before that the fight was between the Asad regime Maliki regime and various rebel groups of which IS became the most prominent.


This intervention like previous interventions is only seeking to fuel the flames of conflict rather than extinguishing them.

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Oh really so why does the US have more military bases around the world than any other country. The current situation in Libya is a direct result of NATO intervention by way of bombing Libya. The current situation in Syria is also a consequence of America backing of the rebels as well as stooge puppet allies in the Middle East also backing the rebels. After the emergence of ISIS America somewhat changed sides and the stooge allies followed. The problem now is neither the stooge Arab allies nor America and its western allies know who they're fighting for.


The 2003 Iraq bombing and invasion was based on lies and nothing to do with helping the Iraqi people. You don't help people by bombing and occupying them imposing stooge sectarian puppet regimes on them. If Americas intentions were so honorable why were they supporting Saddam when he was gassing the Kurds in the 1988 massacre at Halabja? In 2003 when he wasn't doing anything suddenly America decides it must save the Iraqi people by killing them? America has a long history of this, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, drone strikes on various countries. America has military bases in Asia, South America, the Middle East, Europe. Yet you are complaining over Putin taking Crimea back? Putins actions pail into insignificance compared to American imperialist actions around the world.


On the one hand you complain about Russian imperialism and on the other hand you try to justify it when it's the west doing it?


America doesn't mind Middle Eastern dictators as long as they behave like stooges. Mubarak in Egypt and the Saudi Royal family to name a few. They only seem to have a problem when the dictator goes against American interests in the region.


The beheading's of foreign nationals by IS started after America and other countries decided to start bombing in Syria and Iraq. Before that the fight was between the Asad regime Maliki regime and various rebel groups of which IS became the most prominent.


This intervention like previous interventions is only seeking to fuel the flames of conflict rather than extinguishing them.


Better Us military bases than Russian any day. The bases are there at the will of the host governments by the way in case you haven't noticed.


So you go as far as attempting to justify the beheading of foreign nationals do you?


Well at least Jihad Johnny has been identified. The hooded yellow belly with the big knife Mohammed Amwazi is now prime meat for the SAS I hope.


Maybe they should try to lure him back to London. String his mom or dad up by their thumbs and video it. I would be quite happy to do a neck job on him with a rusty pen knife. I wouldn't charge nowt for it either :D

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