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Russia keep coming into U.K air space ??

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Unless America stops its warmongering and its blatant provocation of Russia then yes.


---------- Post added 21-02-2015 at 20:15 ----------



So true but its not what the general masses are being fed and thats a real problem. Personally i think Putin has showed incredible restraint. Hes showed his real character and thats not one of world domination as the media would have us believe. Respect to the guy i say


I'm in total agreement with you. We are being fed a load of lies ahead of the election so that LibLabCon can 'advise' us that the only way we can avoid destruction is to vote for them and stay in the E.U.

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The people of Ukraine had a clear choice of candidates to choose from when voting democratically to elect the present president of Ukraine,America didn't tell anybody in Ukraine who to vote for.

Putin annexed Crimea under the barrell of the gun and then conducted sham elections.........a fact that was confirmed by the Russian terrorist who started the war in East Ukraine.

Nobody in Ukraine turned on Russian speaking people........Putins propaganda perpetuated this myth and was used as an excuse to invade and annexe Crimea,which was what he did.


I will just change a few words in your paragraph and it will read as follows...


The people of Crimea had a clear choice to remain in the Ukrain or go with Russia. Russia didn't tell anyone in Ukraine who to vote for.

Putin watched as the American backed fascists took control of Ukraine under the barrell of a gun and then conducted sham elections.........a fact that was confirmed by the fascist terrorists who started the war in East Ukraine.

Nobody in Russia turned on the Ukrainian people........propaganda perpetuated this myth and was used as an excuse to portray Russia in a bad light and justify possible NATO intervention in the region.

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I will just change a few words in your paragraph and it will read as follows...


The people of Crimea had a clear choice to remain in the Ukrain or go with Russia. Russia didn't tell anyone in Ukraine who to vote for.

Putin watched as the American backed fascists took control of Ukraine under the barrell of a gun and then conducted sham elections.........a fact that was confirmed by the fascist terrorists who started the war in East Ukraine.

Nobody in Russia turned on the Ukrainian people........propaganda perpetuated this myth and was used as an excuse to portray Russia in a bad light and justify possible NATO intervention in the region.


Don't let facts get in the way of Kremlin propaganda,it's the way Putin and Russia go about their business.

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Are the Baltic States undemocratic and are they persecuting russian speakers? I ask this as there is a chance Putin might have a dabble there. Would it be justified?


And why isn't putin admitting doing anything in Ukraine?


Seeing as America seems to be militarily intervening all over the world it's a bit hypocritical for it to be telling Russia not to do so. Even though Russia seems to be intervening on its own borders and to defend people of Russian ethnicity.


Ask Putin that question. My guess is because he hasn't directly intervened yet, so why would he claim to be intervening? America intervenes directly in some countries and indirectly in others where they also claim not to be intervening. America has been intervening in Syria since the beginning of the conflict but has only officially announced its intervention in recent months by authorising air strikes.


---------- Post added 24-02-2015 at 23:21 ----------


Are you a regular RT news watcher by any chance?:D


I wouldn't say regular but I do watch it from time to time as the news reporters are quite attractive :hihi: joke


You have to watch and read a variety of information from a broad spectrum of media sources to reach an informed opinion.


My opinion is this. America intervenes wherever it likes but if other countries like Russia try and intervene even if its on their own borders then they suddenly become the bad guys. Unless of course they are intervening in a way which supports American interests. Its the constant double standards which are the problem. It's the same with Israel. America says one thing and does another. The rules don't seem to apply if you're America and its allies but they seem quite happy dictating to the rest of the world.

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I'm in total agreement with you. We are being fed a load of lies ahead of the election so that LibLabCon can 'advise' us that the only way we can avoid destruction is to vote for them and stay in the E.U.


All true. Another lie is the British Army 'Advisor's' that weve finally admitted to having in the Ukraine. What we arent being told is they arent on their way to the country they are already there and have been for ages.

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The Ukraine is neither fascist nor undemocratic. Former Ukraine leader Yanukovich was a crook, bribed with millions by Putin to keep the Ukraine firmly within the Russian sphere of influence.

The Ukrainians have every right to choose their own destiny. They are not Russians by race nor language. If the Russian speakers don't like living within a Ukrainian sovereign nation then they should leave and move to Russia.


Apart from a very brief period when Gorbachev and Yeltsin were in charge, Russia since WW2 has been a threat to democracy throughout Europe.


The Communist bully which brutally suppressed the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and the Czech uprising in 1968 is now the Fascist bully which has suppressed Georgia and now plans to annex Ukrainian territory by force if need be.


Your excuse given for Russia's involvement in eastern Ukraine that the new Ukrainian government had turned on the Russian speakers is an old ploy often used by dictators who wish to enlarge their territories. Hitler used the same excuse to invade Czechoslovakia in 1938, his being that the Sudeten Germans were being persecuted by the Czech government


Thanks for the history lesson but if you knew anything about history you would know that Crimea is historically a part of Russia and not Ukraine.


As far as Brutal suppression America has done plenty of that too. Hiroshima and Nagasaki need I say more.....As far as bullying around the world is concerned America takes the gold medal for that as well. What was America doing in Iraq? So how can Obama lecture Russia on what to do in territory which was a part of Russia anyway.


Yanukovich may well have been corrupt but he was the democratically elected president. The current regime is not democratically elected and clearly has a dangerous disliking for minority groups within the country.

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As far as Brutal suppression America has done plenty of that too. Hiroshima and Nagasaki need I say more.....


And don't forget Vietnam; that war surely was America's lowpoint, especially as LBJ had by then consented to granting Civil Rights to Black Americans...


Yanukovich may well have been corrupt but he was the democratically elected president. The current regime is not democratically elected and clearly has a dangerous disliking for minority groups within the country.


Surely this was untrue; Yanukevich was Ukraine's equivalent to Spain's General Franco, no more and no less a Fascist of the highest order and a Russian Nationalist to boot. But hey, 'nationalism' seems to be the 'in thing' more than ever these days, with the EDL, UKIP, and even the Ulster Unionists in Northern Ireland... And the Irish Republic have Sinn Fein, while down in war-torn Africa its nationalism by any other name all the way, from Mugabe's Zimbabwe to 'Boko Haram' in Nigeria....Makes me want to think of booking a holiday in wonderful, far away North Korea. Now there's a socialist state...:hihi:


BTW, I cannot believe that anyone is losing any sleep over a couple of vintage piston-engined 'nuclear capable' Bear bombers flying around our coasts. During the Thatcher/Reagan years such 'incursions' of airspace by the same aircraft were ten a penny and the remarkable thing is that an aircraft so old and patched up, that the year it was originally flown (late 1940's/early 50's) is actually closer to the reign of Queen Victoria than it is to the present day! The 'Bear' was certainly cutting edge technology in 1949, but even as early as the 50's had given way to ICBM's and later on submarine launched missiles as Russia's real nuclear force, and nowadays is more of a glorified Naval Submarine-hunter role or training-flight. Essentially, the only reason why Russia is happily still flying them on spotter/training missions around our coasts is to show us that it still can.:mad::hihi:

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Thanks for the history lesson but if you knew anything about history you would know that Crimea is historically a part of Russia and not Ukraine.


As far as Brutal suppression America has done plenty of that too. Hiroshima and Nagasaki need I say more.....As far as bullying around the world is concerned America takes the gold medal for that as well. What was America doing in Iraq? So how can Obama lecture Russia on what to do in territory which was a part of Russia anyway.


Yanukovich may well have been corrupt but he was the democratically elected president. The current regime is not democratically elected and clearly has a dangerous disliking for minority groups within the country.


It's a historical fact that Stalin gave the Crimea to the Ukraine so where's the legality in Putin forcing it back into Russia with a rigged joke of an election? Did you know that bit of history or were you just choosing to ignore it?


Oh come off it with Hiroshima and Nagasaki ! Any first year student of WW2 history knows that the Japanese military leaders were determined to fight to the last soldier despite predicted losses of around 500,000 allied, Japanese soldiers and civilians if Japan had to be conquered by land. The Japanese military leaders in fact were prepared and planning to launch a coup against the emperor when they discovered that the emperor had pre-recorded a statement that Japan would consider surrendering if certain conditions were met. Fortunately for the Japanese civilians that coup never took place and a few million Jap civilians were spared a horrible, bloody land war which could have dragged on for months and months.


American money also rebuilt Japan after the surrender


It would seem that you need to know a little more of history but I understand your anti American feelings too well. Your rose tinted spectacles when it comes to Russia is clearly a case of the "enemy of my enemy is my friend"


The popular feeling in the Ukraine is that moving closer to Europe with the prospect of becoming a member of the EU is the right direction for the country. This time Putiin wont be able to buy off the Ukrainian leadership with his somewhat devalued roubles

Edited by Harleyman
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Thanks for the history lesson but if you knew anything about history you would know that Crimea is historically a part of Russia and not Ukraine.


As far as Brutal suppression America has done plenty of that too. Hiroshima and Nagasaki need I say more.....As far as bullying around the world is concerned America takes the gold medal for that as well. What was America doing in Iraq? So how can Obama lecture Russia on what to do in territory which was a part of Russia anyway.


Yanukovich may well have been corrupt but he was the democratically elected president. The current regime is not democratically elected and clearly has a dangerous disliking for minority groups within the country.


The current Ukraine government has been democratically elected,Putins Russia are the ones that have a dangerous disliking for minority groups within the country,it's why they lock up opposition to Putin on trumped up charges,and rule by fear and intimidation on the ones they don't,to say nothing about gays and homosexuality plus press and nedia freedom within the country...........brainwashing and state propaganda is the only way that Putin can rule,that is what paranoia and an inferiority complex does to him.

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Yup, hilarious, can fly from Russia to the States carrying a payload of 11 tonnes worth of nuclear weapons or air-launched nuclear long-range missiles with a 3000 km range. Apart from the B52 NATO has nothing that compares.


Yes, it really isn't a good idea to underestimate the Tu-95 just because it's old and propellor-driven. The Bear is a remarkable feat of engineering, capable of delivering an enormous payload from Russia to anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere without refuelling, and quite a bit of the Southern Hemisphere, too. Its capabilities are broadly comparable with the B-52, whilst being cheaper, simpler, more durable and far more fuel-efficient. I've heard it said that the tips of the Tu-95's propellors make the loudest noise ever generated by man!


As for the flights, they used to be a pretty routine occurrence from the Cold War up until the mid-90s. The RAF used to have a nickname for them, but I can't recall it (beater flights, or something). Then the flights largely stopped, but Russia would still mount the odd one every few years, which might make the papers during a slow news week. Had Cuba not moved away from Russia and closer to the US since the breakup of the USSR, we might have seen a return to the old Cold War patrol that saw Tu-95s flying up over the arctic and right down the East Coast of America before refuelling in Cuba. That would've made for some interesting coverage on Fox News!


The response testing flights do seem to have ramped up in the past couple of years, as Russia has become more belligerent towards the West. It does seem a bit strange that it's very suddenly started being covered very noisily by the press. This is probably the Tory's tame press barons giving Cameron a pre-election opportunity to look strong and decisive towards Putin, whilst in reality being quite ineffective and inconsequential. To put it in perspective - RAF Typhoons intercepted a fully-armed Tu-22 bomber and four Sukhoi Su-27s last June, but you'd barely have known it unless you were an aviation enthusiast.

Edited by RutlandFlyer
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