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Penistone Road!


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Not surprised its only taking 40%....nobody can get to it!

Seriously, hope this store is boycotted, to make the point it was never wanted in the first place.


Who never wanted it??


I bloody did. So did all the other customers. Im sure the staff / builders / contractors whom its creation employed are happy its there. What are you planning on boycotting it for? A bit of OCCASIONAL traffic?? :loopy::loopy:


Oh boo hoo sometimes there is a queue of traffic. Lets all boycott Meadowhall too shall we, after all that creates some right mayhem on the M1. Oh and every other shop and supermarket too whilst we are at it.


What a load of tosh. I go at least twice a week at various times of the day and never NOT been able to get to it.


I have no idea what sales it is or isn't taking and have not seen any evidence to verify such. Projections are always overestimated in my opinion so are hardly a credible source. What I will say is that compared to the often scruffy and empty shelves filled Morrisons and the Chav Central that is Asda. Sainsburys is a breath of fresh air.

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What I will say is that compared to the often scruffy and empty shelves filled Morrisons and the Chav Central that is Asda. Sainsburys is a breath of fresh air.


It's surprising they're not charging for fresh air!


Morrison's cod liver oil 300ml --£1.50


Sainsbury's cod liver oil 300ml --£4.80 (£3.30 if you buy 2)


Same stuff.

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Thanks andyofborg - of course I noticed it - I was in it - what I was suggesting that a simple one way system operating on two side streets may help to remove some traffic from the queue waiting to turn left up Leppings Lane.

No criticism of the road works - but a way to speed up the traffic!

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Not sure who planned that lights instead of the roundabout at the bottom of Halifax road were a good idea, but traffic has never been so bad. And don't blame sainsburys because the store is only taking around 40% of what it expected to take.


Good.I am really pleased to hear this.Local residents are boycotting this unwanted store quite simply because of the grief they caused whilst the store was being built.People power can talk.

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You're obviously in the minority then, if its allegedly true its only taking 40% of its projected takings.


Allegedly is the right word. I have not seen any such source to show that they are only taking 40% of their projected takings.


In any case, even if it was true. A projection is just that. An estimate. A guess. A figure plucked out of thin air. How many PROJECTED figures are actually accurate. We see it all the time about benefits, costs, footfall, users, sales, customers etc.. etc..


Good.I am really pleased to hear this.Local residents are boycotting this unwanted store quite simply because of the grief they caused whilst the store was being built.People power can talk.


People power can do naff all. Another one banging on about this "unwanted" store causing all these problems.


What are you on about. The road changes were going to happen whether sainsburys was built or not. The changes you see now were all part of the big highways masterplan along with the new junctions, layouts, lights and bus corridor. The only change was the right turn addition and claywheels lane section which in the big scheme is bugger all difference.


The "problems" you state would have happened in any event.


Now, since we seem to have hit loony land, perhaps you two would like to answer me this. IF this store is so unwanted and thus so woefully underused. How can there be so much traffic causing all this "chaos" because of it???


You cant have it both ways.

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Tried to get home from BQ turn off heading towards Leppings Lane roundabout yesterday along Penistone Road Traffic- just like - well like Black Friday shopping queue- so thought - well I can cut up one of the side roads (trying to get up to Parkside Road and Wadsley Lane) - so I endured 20 minutes from BQ turn off to Wednesday Ground - and lo and behold - the roads were blocked off - 'residents only' - so all the cars who could simply turn left and vanish from the Black Friday queues were trapped up to Leppings Lane and Law Brothers - wot a silly silly thing to do oh wonderful council workers and road layers! Cause major hold ups when a simple left turn only off Penistone road and 'no entry' from Leppings lane on Vere Road(preventing nose to nose as folk try to go up and come down) or the other would have allowed folk to get home and get on! Yes - feeling for the residents on these roads - but I suspect nothing really much more than an ordinary day - and helping us all out as well! So what could have been reduced by at least 15 mins turned out to be a nightmare! Whose plan is this - someone who is even now I suspect smirking at the inconvenience yet again for the folk trying to get home after a full days work.


Aw shame, you can't rat run at high speed down our roads anymore like you used to damaging our vehicles and making residential roads more dangerous to cross than a motor way. GOOD at last, the resident only has been done as a reaction to stop you as a result of you inconsideration to others not just some council whim.

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Aw shame, you can't rat run at high speed down our roads anymore like you used to damaging our vehicles and making residential roads more dangerous to cross than a motor way. GOOD at last, the resident only has been done as a reaction to stop you as a result of you inconsideration to others not just some council whim.


I don't live on one of those roads but our road used to be used as a rat run until they made it a no through road, its now much quieter, only problem is the people who live on the road añd hit your cars and then drive off.

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I don't use Penistone Road very often I knew there were some roadworks going on but I had to venture down there this morning and it was like a free for all...especially when the lights failed!


I came down Parkside Road to find there was no right turn on Penistone Road and the traffic was being diverted back up to Herries Road...not a massive problem but all the drivers in front of me were pulling dangerous u-turns at every opportunity to save driving 2 mins further up the road. Then as I got near to owlerton stadium, there was a sign saying the left hand lane was closed (which I was in) so I started to indicate but then spotted another sign right after it saying the right hand lane was closed...cue massive confusion and drivers not having a clue which lane they were supposed to be in!

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