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Penistone Road!


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I don't use Penistone Road very often I knew there were some roadworks going on but I had to venture down there this morning and it was like a free for all...especially when the lights failed!


I came down Parkside Road to find there was no right turn on Penistone Road and the traffic was being diverted back up to Herries Road...not a massive problem but all the drivers in front of me were pulling dangerous u-turns at every opportunity to save driving 2 mins further up the road. Then as I got near to owlerton stadium, there was a sign saying the left hand lane was closed (which I was in) so I started to indicate but then spotted another sign right after it saying the right hand lane was closed...cue massive confusion and drivers not having a clue which lane they were supposed to be in!


The problem is that the whole thing is incredibly poorly managed. Amey basically has free reign to do whatever the hell they want, probably due to being WAY over the time-limit to complete the works (when the work started there were signs saying they'd be done December 2014...).


The whole execution of these roadworks has been pathetic from start to finish. I am sure we had lanes blocked one night because they were painting new lines. A month later they closed it to scrape the top-layer (including new lines) off. Now they've repainted the lines again. They are also working at a snail's pace. In the Netherlands they turn an entire ring-road system round in under a month (Groningen 2005) including the connection of a brand new cloverleaf junction, they retarmacced the main road we lived on that was comparable to Penistone Road for traffic, it took them two nights to do 3 kilometres of road.


The whole thing is beyond a joke now and it is making me pig-sick to be honest.

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I don't use Penistone Road very often I knew there were some roadworks going on but I had to venture down there this morning and it was like a free for all...especially when the lights failed!


I came down Parkside Road to find there was no right turn on Penistone Road and the traffic was being diverted back up to Herries Road...not a massive problem but all the drivers in front of me were pulling dangerous u-turns at every opportunity to save driving 2 mins further up the road. Then as I got near to owlerton stadium, there was a sign saying the left hand lane was closed (which I was in) so I started to indicate but then spotted another sign right after it saying the right hand lane was closed...cue massive confusion and drivers not having a clue which lane they were supposed to be in!



. A lot of drivers were doing that this morning , myself included.

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Millions have been spent on widening Penistone Road. Basically they have been installing an extra lane to allow buses and taxis more road space.

Unfortunately, very few buses use Penistone Road; quite sensibly most go through Hillsborough where there are more passengers. Most taxi journeys are in the late evening when there is little congestion. At Peak times the extra lane will be practically empty while there will be a continuation of congestion on the other 2 lanes.

The money would have been better spent widening the A61 south of the city.

I suppose that would be too sensible though!

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I came down Parkside Road to find there was no right turn on Penistone Road and the traffic was being diverted back up to Herries Road...not a massive problem but all the drivers in front of me were pulling dangerous u-turns at every opportunity to save driving 2 mins further up the road.


If only they'd thought of letting everyone know, with, oh I don't know, a sign maybe, before they got as far as Parkside road :)


We got caught in this this morning. Could have easily carried on down Middlewood, through Hillsborough, or turned left down Leppings Lane, if we'd have known, but no, that would have been too easy!

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If only they'd thought of letting everyone know, with, oh I don't know, a sign maybe, before they got as far as Parkside road :)


We got caught in this this morning. Could have easily carried on down Middlewood, through Hillsborough, or turned left down Leppings Lane, if we'd have known, but no, that would have been too easy!


your right, there were no signs what so ever saying the right turn onto penistone rd was closed. I went down parkside rd from the direction of the Asda , and the first i knew about it was when i got to the bottom of parkside road by the lights.

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Aw shame, you can't rat run at high speed down our roads anymore like you used to damaging our vehicles and making residential roads more dangerous to cross than a motor way. GOOD at last, the resident only has been done as a reaction to stop you as a result of you inconsideration to others not just some council whim.




I also live on one of these roads. The 'residents only' signs were requested by residents and the Council (to my surprise, to be honest) acted fairly quickly. I came back from a stint up north (and a 4 hour drive) on Tuesday evening and didn't particularly enjoy the 25 minutes of queuing on our road just to get parked. Apparently it had been a nightmare since Parkside Road was closed. It's been much better since the signs went up on Wednesday (although still a bit busier than normal as some folk do ignore it).

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I also live on one of these roads. The 'residents only' signs were requested by residents and the Council (to my surprise, to be honest) acted fairly quickly. I came back from a stint up north (and a 4 hour drive) on Tuesday evening and didn't particularly enjoy the 25 minutes of queuing on our road just to get parked. Apparently it had been a nightmare since Parkside Road was closed. It's been much better since the signs went up on Wednesday (although still a bit busier than normal as some folk do ignore it).


Have they put up ANPR cameras to record cars driving up these back wacks ? Have they made it an official No Through roads ? Or have they just stuck up a few totally un-enforcable signs ?

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