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20 million on the breadline in Britain

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What is perceived poverty and real poverty?


Very simple that one.



A: http://humanitarian.worldconcern.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Dhaka-slum-1024x689.jpg



B: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pixies/2009/3/17/1237327875546/A-portrait-of-21st-centur-001.jpg


A is real poverty. People living in destitution with literally nothing. Many starving. Unable to access clean water.


B is what is laughingly described as "21st centaury poverty" Yeah right. Poverty is NOT living on a low income. Poverty is NOT having a roof over your head, tv, furnishings, food in the fridge and a basic standard of living paid for or subsidised by the state.



With respect to the OP and the Article from Labour's Press Office errm, I mean the Daily Mirror. I can only say that its the biggest load of horse crap I have ever seen. On the breadline? The people doing this study and the linked morons who seemingly have redefined what a basic human need is, don't even know the meaning of the word.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Is that defined as poverty by the researchers of this study?


If you do some Googling, you can see that the study makes a definition of poverty based on not being able to afford a certain amount of things that the general public perceive as being the normal requirements of daily life.


One of those requirements could indeed be the ability to afford Sky TV.






The actual list: http://www.poverty.ac.uk/pse-research/uk-2012-attitudes-adult-necessities for adults, and http://www.poverty.ac.uk/pse-research/uk-2012-attitudes-child-necessities for children.


The child one is more telling than the adult one; the study takes anything from 50 to 100% as a criteria of living in poverty. Apparently if your child doesn't have an annual holiday, outdoor play equipment or the Internet then they could be considered as living in poverty.


Tell that to the kids drinking out of dirty water in Africa.

Edited by the_bloke
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Very simple that one.



A: http://humanitarian.worldconcern.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Dhaka-slum-1024x689.jpg



B: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pixies/2009/3/17/1237327875546/A-portrait-of-21st-centur-001.jpg


A is real poverty. People living in destitution with literally nothing. Many starving. Unable to access clean water.


B is what is laughingly described as "21st centaury poverty" Yeah right. Poverty is NOT living on a low income. Poverty is NOT having a roof over your head, tv, furnishings, food in the fridge and a basic standard of living paid for or subsidised by the state.


Thank you, can you give me a link to sign up to one of your Sociology courses?

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“On current trends, the next five years will see more people in the UK in poverty, more often and for longer.


“Despite falling unemployment, the combination of an increasingly polarised labour market, rising housing costs and a continuing squeeze on benefits will put further pressure on low incomes.”


Don't believe everything you read, especially in the red tops. Put your thinking cap on for a minute and ponder... Do you really think one in three people in the UK is going to descend into poverty in the next five years?

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Don't believe everything you read, especially in the red tops. Put your thinking cap on for a minute and ponder... Do you really think one in three people in the UK is going to descend into poverty in the next five years?


UK population hasn't been 60 million since the 1980s :)


We're closer to 80 million now

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Don't believe everything you read, especially in the red tops. Put your thinking cap on for a minute and ponder... Do you really think one in three people in the UK is going to descend into poverty in the next five years?


Exactly - scaremongering garbage, trying to encourage people to vote for the political party which nearly bankrupted this country and given more time, would have probably taken us over the edge.

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Exactly - scaremongering garbage, trying to encourage people to vote for the political party which nearly bankrupted this country and given more time, would have probably taken us over the edge.


Indeed. But sadly too many people get their view of the world through tabloids. Making them extremely gullible and easily led - as this thread demonstrates...

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