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Why aren't football fans doing more to tackle extremism?

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All I will say is that football is massively better for tolerance now than it was in the 1970's and 80's. Yes, the Paris incident was nasty and unpleasant but nobody was injured. I wish I had a time machine to take the strident "More must be done!" brigade back to 1973 to show how much already has been done.


So because a lot has been done it's fine to kick people of trains and chant racial abuse at people walking through train stations?


---------- Post added 22-02-2015 at 19:12 ----------


Since you are trying to link this in with covert excuses for Islamic grooming gangs. I would point out that the authorities don't turn a blind eye in the name of sensitivity towards minorities when that minority are football fans.


I'm not trying to link it in with grooming gangs and the gangs themselves are not even Islamic.


---------- Post added 22-02-2015 at 19:17 ----------


People are tribal by nature, since time began people have formed groups, immediate family, extended family, clan, village, town, city, county, country, creed, colour, religion, language. People identify and associate themselves generally with similar to form these groups and sub groups, they live, fight and die together within those groups and have done since time began.

As much as people try to get along there will always be fractures and disputes that put individuals and groups against each other, hence we still have wars and across the globe people kill each other over territory, religion, politics and historical differences.

If anyone has the answer to stopping all that, then maybe they will eventually have the answer to people not being 'racist', which at it's very basic level is people calling each other names, personally I doubt it will ever happen.

I'm sure some wet lefty will come along soon and tell us how I trivialise racism or even suggesting that I am one, what some need to realise is that there are racists of every creed, colour and religion in this country and probably every other country across the world, it is certainly not an exclusively white British problem, and definitely not just a football fans problem, far from it in fact !

In terms of 'extremism' a few racist football fans pale into insignificance compared to the type of extremists who wish to blow people up or chop their heads off, that's an absolute no brainer.



No of course not because far right extremism has never caused anyone any harm has it. The Holocaust, London Nail bombings, Oklahoma bombing, attacks on places of worship, racist murders, racist attacks, Norway attacks and the list goes on.

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Its not just in football. We all must do our bit to highlight racism in all walks of life. The people responsible for being racist or for using racist words and terms, have clearly not had a good upbringing. How a person can wilfully disrespect another is beyond the reasonable expectations of a rational human being. Yes, we all dislike the actions of the Muslim extremist's, but why take that out on a regular Muslim person? Yes, the historical slave trade has led modern racists to believe Black people are second class citizens, where we all know the slave trade to be a historical embarrassment to humankind. Even here on the forum, there are those who find it amusing to use racist terms in a manner that can only suggest they get a sexual kick from it. Again, a situation that has no place in todays modern world.

I was appalled at the football hooligans treatment of this man, just like the vast majority of us are. But this kind of behaviour is not just in football. It coverts itself in many guises, and when it is uncovered, we should all make a stand against it, whatever religion we are.


They seem more confident about doing it among their fellow supporters and general public. They are less likely to be walking around Brixton or some such place doing it because they know they will be outnumbered by people taking personal offence. Shouldn't they be outnumbered by people taking personal offence in any setting?

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All I will say is that football is massively better for tolerance now than it was in the 1970's and 80's. Yes, the Paris incident was nasty and unpleasant but nobody was injured. I wish I had a time machine to take the strident "More must be done!" brigade back to 1973 to show how much already has been done.


Yes I agree with you. I think the Paris incident was awful, picking on an individual, but we have come a long way since then.


However there is still room for improvement and lessons can still be learnt.

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With recent news reports of football fans stopping a black man from boarding a metro train in Paris and singing racially abusive chants at people in St Pancras International, the question arises as to what other fans were doing about it?


We know that this racist extremism has been a part of football in England and across Europe for many decades. If these extremists are a small minority and the vast majority of fans are not racist then surely they should be challenging the extremists when they become racist in large groupings of football fans? Many a time we find the racists going unchallenged by other supporters of the same team. Why is this?


The allegation is often made against Muslims even though the extremists don't have much to do with mainstream Mosques or Muslim gatherings so its difficult to see what the ordinary Muslim could do about it.


In instances like Paris and St Pancras it's very clear what can be done. The majority intervening to stop the minority. So why isn't it done?


It's the police job to keep order in a football crowd. All that would happen if racist fans and non racist fans got into an argument is that it would end up in a big fisticuffs and the game would be cancelled

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Do the people that seem to think these people that are racist at football matches think that these same people aren't racist for the rest of the week?


They are the same racist people that also go to supermarkets, the cinema and round to their Mother's for Sunday lunch!

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With recent news reports of football fans stopping a black man from boarding a metro train in Paris and singing racially abusive chants at people in St Pancras International, the question arises as to what other fans were doing about it?


We know that this racist extremism has been a part of football in England and across Europe for many decades. If these extremists are a small minority and the vast majority of fans are not racist then surely they should be challenging the extremists when they become racist in large groupings of football fans? Many a time we find the racists going unchallenged by other supporters of the same team. Why is this?


The allegation is often made against Muslims even though the extremists don't have much to do with mainstream Mosques or Muslim gatherings so its difficult to see what the ordinary Muslim could do about it.


In instances like Paris and St Pancras it's very clear what can be done. The majority intervening to stop the minority. So why isn't it done?

White racists exist black racists exist brown racists exist yellow racists exist get over it - it is here always has been always will be it will never ever go away we just try our best to get on with it

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