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Should David Cameron be charged with theft?

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Please show me something - anything, vaguely similar. I shan't restrict it to entertaining to prove my point. Anything will do.


It's not immoral to avoid tax at all.


Um because this thread is about the idle and feckless sponging of those of us who are hard-working and pay a lot of taxes. Being unemployed is bad for the individual, bad for the neighbourhood and bad for the economy as a whole.


Just a quick search. I've never heard you refer to millionaire tax dodgers in such terms, yet you refer to people on benefits as idle, feckless sponges.


Dodging millions in taxes costs us more, yet you seem to think it's ok, and even support the notion.


I'd say those are double standards.

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It would appear that David Cameron has been having party's at Chequers for his rich and famous friends.The cost has been around £80 per head and have been nothing to do with his job as Prime Minister,all have been private functions.However they have been paid for out of taxpayers money.Surely he should be prosecuted for stealing as would a member of Joe Public who had had their fingers in the till.


"Downing Street officials confirmed yesterday that Mr Cameron paid for the party himself."


Nothing to see here, move along.

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Just a quick search. I've never heard you refer to millionaire tax dodgers in such terms, yet you refer to people on benefits as idle, feckless sponges.


Dodging millions in taxes costs us more, yet you seem to think it's ok, and even support the notion.


I'd say those are double standards.


First of all, the challenge was to find somewhere I had double standards on criticising "the other side" politicians for having a party or something even vaguely similar you have signally failed in that, I would ask you to retract, but I doubt you will.


That aside - I have not said that as you imply, (all) people on benefits are idle and feckless. My reference, I don't know which thread it was on, was referring to the people who are idle and feckless who are on benefits. You won't see the difference, but at least others will.



I have never praised tax evaders. They are annoying to people like me, who pays a lot in tax, whilst being insulted by people like you.


You continue, purposefully to blur the lines between tax avoidance and tax evasion. You truly show your ignorance in this repeatedly. It is becoming boring.


Still the challenge is on to find any double standards in a slightly similar vein.


Sorry I took so long to reply to your post, I've been working, earning money, employing people, making things, selling things, paying taxes to support those who refuse to work.

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Is this thread serious or not, I can't figure it out?


Prime ministers entertaining friends, other heads of state etc at chequers has been happening for, well as long as it's been a residence for PM's.


In the grand scheme of things, it's hardly an issue, or a huge cost.

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Is this thread serious or not, I can't figure it out?


Prime ministers entertaining friends, other heads of state etc at chequers has been happening for, well as long as it's been a residence for PM's.


In the grand scheme of things, it's hardly an issue, or a huge cost.


I suspect the OP thought it serious, but everyone else with an ounce of sense realises it is a non-story designed to have a go at a tory.

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First of all, the challenge was to find somewhere I had double standards on criticising "the other side" politicians for having a party or something even vaguely similar you have signally failed in that, I would ask you to retract, but I doubt you will.


That aside - I have not said that as you imply, (all) people on benefits are idle and feckless. My reference, I don't know which thread it was on, was referring to the people who are idle and feckless who are on benefits. You won't see the difference, but at least others will.



I have never praised tax evaders. They are annoying to people like me, who pays a lot in tax, whilst being insulted by people like you.


You continue, purposefully to blur the lines between tax avoidance and tax evasion. You truly show your ignorance in this repeatedly. It is becoming boring.


Still the challenge is on to find any double standards in a slightly similar vein.


Sorry I took so long to reply to your post, I've been working, earning money, employing people, making things, selling things, paying taxes to support those who refuse to work.


I wasn't replying to any post in particular, I was just pointing out that you have double standards, and I still stand by that. Your tone differed greatly when discussing tax dodgers etc. and people on benefits.


I don't blur the lines between evasion and avoidance.


And don't try to make out that you're the only person in the world that pays tax. I'm not going to get into a Tit for tat about who earns what, but I'd be so prised if you've paid as much tax as me over the last 5 years.

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