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How Do We Get The Younger Generation Interested In Voting?

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Compulsory voting is in general a very bad idea however I've recently started coming round to the notion that the very first election that somebody is qualified to vote in - which for most people is the first election, local or national, after they pass age 18 - THAT should be compulsory just to introduce people into the voting habit, but all the other ones after that, should be voluntary.

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It's not just voting, I'd like to see more young people get involved in politics, standing for office, etc. starting with school councils (every school should have one,) and eventually standing for town councils and more.


They need to know they can make a difference.

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It's not just voting, I'd like to see more young people get involved in politics, standing for office, etc. starting with school councils (every school should have one,) and eventually standing for town councils and more.


They need to know they can make a difference.


Well I just posted this on a different thread, maybe it should have been here.


A BBC report on you people voting. One 18 year old stated that there was no reason for the young not to know about politics as information is easily available on facebook! That is surely a very good reason not to lower the voting age.

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You'd really have to adjust for inflation though to actually make a meaningful comparison of house prices.


---------- Post added 08-06-2017 at 10:46 ----------



Given that their mortgages were paid off years ago, I can't see why they'd care really.


See how well it sits with those who bought houses in the last decade though... Some of them are only just out of negative equity after buying at the peak in 2007.


Yes, obviously by average inflation.

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Well I just posted this on a different thread, maybe it should have been here.


A BBC report on you people voting. One 18 year old stated that there was no reason for the young not to know about politics as information is easily available on facebook! That is surely a very good reason not to lower the voting age.




Yep given some of the things I've seen on there last few days!


---------- Post added 08-06-2017 at 19:51 ----------


It's not just voting, I'd like to see more young people get involved in politics, standing for office, etc. starting with school councils (every school should have one,) and eventually standing for town councils and more.


They need to know they can make a difference.


I agree with this though. As long as it is reasonably impartial.


A couple of months ago, I picked a Mum to pick up her kid at school... didn't see how old but it was a primary school - so no idea what the subject was... and when the mother asked what they'd learned in school today, the older one said was how bad Donald Trump was! :hihi:


I did have a little joke with the mum about it - maybe true he is, but it struck me as odd.

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Well it seems young people have been turning out to vote in droves.


78% turnout in some areas.


So they are engaged after all. Good for them!


Maybe they thought the oldies stuffed us over Brexit and it's pay back?


One thing is funny. The little old DUP might come in useful. How ironic that even though they didn't get to play in the leaders debate alongside Plaid Cymru and the SNP they are now kingmakers.

Edited by Pinkman
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.........I was shopping in Crookes(S10) yesterday and must have been accosted over 15 times by an army of beardie Labour/Studenty types thrusting leaflets at literally everyone in the main shopping area.

The only time I have seen the same amount of leaflets,is behind my door over the past couple of weeks from Nick Clegg,addressed to us personally!................but that has not done him much good!..............BYE NICK.

If the Tories had promised the "Rabbit out the Hat" trick of abolishing Student fees in September like Corbyn pulled...........they would no doubt won with an outright majority instead of just winning the election!

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.........I was shopping in Crookes(S10) yesterday and must have been accosted over 15 times by an army of beardie Labour/Studenty types thrusting leaflets at literally everyone in the main shopping area.

The only time I have seen the same amount of leaflets,is behind my door over the past couple of weeks from Nick Clegg,addressed to us personally!................but that has not done him much good!..............BYE NICK.

If the Tories had promised the "Rabbit out the Hat" trick of abolishing Student fees in September like Corbyn pulled...........they would no doubt won with an outright majority instead of just winning the election!


Yeah but they didn't.

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