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Do you believe there is a CURE for CANCER  

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  1. 1. Do you believe there is a CURE for CANCER

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    • 100% NO

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Just briefly-


the distinction is that of 1. vegetable oils (or vegetable fats) and 2. vegetable oil.


Very different things: one comes in plants (vegetable fats are naturally occuring in trace amounts in all plants throughout all of history), the other is found in bottles.


Vegetable oil is new to the last 200 years (with the exception of cold pressed olive oil) and its use in the human food chain has gone from zero to the current situation where it's in pretty much all processed 'foods'.


If you believe it's not harmful and you're happy to eat an industrial product that requires extensive chemical deoderization to make it eatable without retching, then great :)


I'll stick to real food, that's mainly been in the human food chain for much of human evolution, or at least for several thousand years (in the case of the relative newbies like legumes, grains etc).


And, regardless of whether you like it or not, I'll continue to recommend others do the same.


And if, or, more likely when, the nutritional science system catches up and starts telling us that actually, vegetable oils are pretty dodgy (just as it 'discovered' trans fats were, after decades of urging us to eat them), then maybe you'll be glad I did.


And regardless of whether you like it or not, I will continue to ask you for some evidence that it's harmful.


Of course nobody was urged to eat trans-fats at all, they were an unfortunate by product, perhaps there are other harmful things not yet discovered, perhaps not, you definitely don't know though.


---------- Post added 10-03-2015 at 08:12 ----------


Just in case no-one has posted
yet :D


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 20:03 ----------


30% of lab mice were completely cured. Remaining mice had a significant reduction in the volume and size of the tumours :nod:


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 20:04 ----------


"Instead of spending 600 dollars a month for pharmaceuticals, I can just grow my own Cannabis plants"


---------- Post added 09-03-2015 at 20:06 ----------


Just sayin :)


And is there any real evidence. Because a youtube video is NOT.

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And regardless of whether you like it or not, I will continue to ask you for some evidence that it's harmful.


Of course nobody was urged to eat trans-fats at all, they were an unfortunate by product, perhaps there are other harmful things not yet discovered, perhaps not, you definitely don't know though.

When the medical profession demonised butter/saturated fats (on the basis of 'studies') it kicked off a massive public information campaign which has run ever since, notifying the public that if they continued to consume saturated ('unhealthy') fats, they would be at considerably greater risk of heart disease.


Instead, the public were told, they should eat 'healthy' fats i.e. switch to vegetable oils and, instead of butter, switch to margarine.


Margarine in those days containing copious amounts of trans fats, now known to be the worst fats to consume due to the fact that they provenly kill people, and, banned in several countries and soon, no doubt, to be banned in the rest.


Now- don't get exited again, because I know that, at the time, no one realised trans fats were deadly, so it's all cool, cos the medical profession acted 'on the best available evidence at the time'. (Despite making zero effort to actually look for evidence that the gunk they recommended was safe to eat).


Nevertheless, all those killed by following the medical advice died anyway- but, as you say, not the medical professions fault, as they didn't know.


Now some people- all hippies, nutters and cranks who were too lazy to check out the 'evidence' at the time, thought, whoa- this margarine stuffs really new- not been around throughout most of human evolution, and, it appears to be made in factories.


Based on that kind of 'reasoning' they went contrary to the 'best medical advice/evidence of the time' (though I'll point out once again, there was zero actual evidence to indicate that margarine/vegetable oil was actually safe to eat) and didn't eat the margarine with trans fats in it, so they didn't die as a result of eating trans fats.


I've studied health/diet and the medical profession a hell of a lot- I've spent thousands of hours, somewhat obsessively (I'm aspergic, have had a lot of time on my hands and am very, very interested in my health)- researching the whole field, from new age cranks to qualified & respected medical professionals medical (yes, there are many proper doctors who are in total opposition to the directions orthodox medicine has/is going).


And what happened with trans fats is far from an isolated occurance.


After decades of demonising butter/saturated fats, 2 recent high profile meta studies are indicating zero evidence that saturated fats are harmful in any way.


Maybe they'll stand, maybe they'll fall.


As an aspergic, I keep things simple- when a worldwide organisation to which is entrusted the health of the public, can spend over a century and trillions of £ studying a question so basic as whether saturated fats are good or bad for you, and come up with utter confusion, I question the validity and usefullness of that system.


When many medical professionals who are part of that system ,themselves question how it has got into this state, and, start talking seriously about the pervasive influence of commercial interests (pharmacutical companies) utterly corrupting the medical studies system- then I think it's time to take notice.


Previously that stuff was restricted to conspiracy theorists- now we've got long term, respected, practicing GPs and MDs coming out with it.


Our medical system is a business. It's primarily about £$. Hence it's focus on dishing out profitable treatments (anti depressents, life long drug therapies, expensive, invasive & harmful procedures (eg colonoscopies) as opposed to prevention (via diet etc, which do not bring in a profit).


Buy real food, eat real food, be healthy.


Eat processed 'food' and man made vegetable oils, and you may as well be eating plastic.


Look around you at what happens to people who eat processed 'food' long term- the most medically advanced nations in the world are beset by epic numbers of victims of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer; while those in the third world who aren't starving and have reasonable sanitation, and, who eat real food, are remarkably free of those conditions, despite (or because of) lacking an advanced medical system.

Edited by onewheeldave
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When the medical profession demonised butter/saturated fats (on the basis of 'studies') it kicked off a massive public information campaign which has run ever since, notifying the public that if they continued to consume saturated ('unhealthy') fats, they would be at considerably greater risk of heart disease.


Instead, the public were told, they should eat 'healthy' fats i.e. switch to vegetable oils and, instead of butter, switch to margarine.


Margarine in those days containing copious amounts of trans fats, now known to be the worst fats to consume due to the fact that they provenly kill people, and, banned in several countries and soon, no doubt, to be banned in the rest.


Now- don't get exited again, because I know that, at the time, no one realised trans fats were deadly, so it's all cool, cos the medical profession acted 'on the best available evidence at the time'. (Despite making zero effort to actually look for evidence that the gunk they recommended was safe to eat).


Nevertheless, all those killed by following the medical advice died anyway- but, as you say, not the medical professions fault, as they didn't know.


Now some people- all hippies, nutters and cranks who were too lazy to check out the 'evidence' at the time, thought, whoa- this margarine stuffs really new- not been around throughout most of human evolution, and, it appears to be made in factories.


Based on that kind of 'reasoning' they went contrary to the 'best medical advice/evidence of the time' (though I'll point out once again, there was zero actual evidence to indicate that margarine/vegetable oil was actually safe to eat) and didn't eat the margarine with trans fats in it, so they didn't die as a result of eating trans fats.


I've studied health/diet and the medical profession a hell of a lot- I've spent thousands of hours, somewhat obsessively (I'm aspergic, have had a lot of time on my hands and am very, very interested in my health)- researching the whole field, from new age cranks to qualified & respected medical professionals medical (yes, there are many proper doctors who are in total opposition to the directions orthodox medicine has/is going).


And what happened with trans fats is far from an isolated occurance.


After decades of demonising butter/saturated fats, 2 recent high profile meta studies are indicating zero evidence that saturated fats are harmful in any way.


Maybe they'll stand, maybe they'll fall.


As an aspergic, I keep things simple- when a worldwide organisation to which is entrusted the health of the public, can spend over a century and trillions of £ studying a question so basic as whether saturated fats are good or bad for you, and come up with utter confusion, I question the validity and usefullness of that system.


When many medical professionals who are part of that system ,themselves question how it has got into this state, and, start talking seriously about the pervasive influence of commercial interests (pharmacutical companies) utterly corrupting the medical studies system- then I think it's time to take notice.


Previously that stuff was restricted to conspiracy theorists- now we've got long term, respected, practicing GPs and MDs coming out with it.


Our medical system is a business. It's primarily about £$. Hence it's focus on dishing out profitable treatments (anti depressents, life long drug therapies, expensive, invasive & harmful procedures (eg colonoscopies) as opposed to prevention (via diet etc, which do not bring in a profit).


Buy real food, eat real food, be healthy.


Eat processed 'food' and man made vegetable oils, and you may as well be eating plastic.


Look around you at what happens to people who eat processed 'food' long term- the most medically advanced nations in the world are beset by epic numbers of victims of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer; while those in the third world who aren't starving and have reasonable sanitation, and, who eat real food, are remarkably free of those conditions, despite (or because of) lacking an advanced medical system.


Apparently, if you keep your body alkaline it helps too:D

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