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Fed-up with benefit program's on TV

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Let's balance things out a bit shall we. Why don't we have as many program's of large corporate tax evaders, as we do benefit program's on TV?


Let's stop picking on the little people.


Even the independent small shop owners hate the fact that the tax man makes more of an effort to chase them, than large corporations


Also, let's see how much the large corporations cost the tax payer by evading

(which is illegal) their taxes.

Edited by poppet2
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Let's balance things out a bit shall we. Why don't we have as many program's of large corporate tax evaders, as we do benefit program's on TV?


Let's stop picking on the little people.


Even the independent small shop owners hate the fact that the tax man makes more of an effort to chase them, than large corporations


Also, let's see how much the large corporations cost the tax payer by avoiding

(which is illegal) their taxes.


evading, pops, the word you are looking for is evading

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Let's see how the tax avoiders are living it up with tax payers money. It would be the equivalent to watching the winners of lottery programs.


You do realise that if a lot of large company's had to pay stupid amounts of tax they would just shut up shop and move their operations abroad right? That would then cost the uk loads of jobs and screw the economy up even more than tax avoidance.


Have you ever thought that might be why the government has their hands tied a little with it?

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You do realise that if a lot of large company's had to pay stupid amounts of tax they would just shut up shop and move their operations abroad right? That would then cost the uk loads of jobs and screw the economy up even more than tax avoidance.


Have you ever thought that might be why the government has their hands tied a little with it?


No they wouldn't.

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You do realise that if a lot of large company's had to pay stupid amounts of tax they would just shut up shop and move their operations abroad right? That would then cost the uk loads of jobs and screw the economy up even more than tax avoidance.


Have you ever thought that might be why the government has their hands tied a little with it?


Isn't that the same excuse given for over-paid bankers who are awarded huge bonuses? If they are all that good, let them go to all these wonderful jobs abroad.

Edited by poppet2
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Make a programme about large corporate tax evasion and sell it to a TV station. See what ratings it gets. People know and see people living the relative high life on benefits while other people work tedious jobs and come home exhausted.


No they don't. They just think they do because they've read about it in a tabloid or had some TV programme tell them it's true. Most of those who claim they do are just projecting their own prejudices onto someone else who they don't actually know the first thing about.

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No they don't. They just think they do because they've read about it in a tabloid or had some TV programme tell them it's true. Most of those they say they do are just projecting their own prejudices onto someone else who they don't actually know the first thing about.


Yes we do. We actually see it. Real people.

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