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Fed-up with benefit program's on TV

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People have been annoyed by scroungers living high on the hog on benefits for years, it's not a recent thing. It's just that austerity is forcing people to actually work for their money instead of just being able to recieve benefits for doing nothing (LITERALLY nothing in some cases) for years on end. No-one should be entitled to benefits from cradle to grave without living up to their end of the bargain and contributing to society.


Blah, blah, blah! you're like a stuck record.

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There will always be those who don't fit the standard 'fit and able for work' definition. Always have been. This is not to excuse the lazy and can't be bothered quotient because they do. These programmes tend to focus in on those folks. Some of the excuses they come out with for not looking for a job slay me and I do find myself either having to switch it off or swearing at the TV.


However it's those who're not in the fit but lazy mode where there isn't proper help. They are the ones that need support. The others need a good kick up the backside!

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I'd much rather see the low life scum exposed rather than the owners of big corporate companies etc as at least they get up and work for a living and contribute to society. How does a family full of long term benefits contribute? Sure there are exceptions but the majority are just taking the **** out of those that work for a living and in many cases are struggling themselves.

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I'd much rather see the low life scum exposed rather than the owners of big corporate companies etc as at least they get up and work for a living and contribute to society. How does a family full of long term benefits contribute? Sure there are exceptions but the majority are just taking the **** out of those that work for a living and in many cases are struggling themselves.

Stop picking on the Royal family.

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The one I'm waiting for is the 'middle class, on benefits and pretending not to be' programme.


All the producers have to do is look at Mumsnet to see them all helping each other out with tips and tricks. This time of year is interesting as they post about anxiously waiting for the tax credits application to pop through the door, or to find out how much they'll get, or they fret because they realise they are getting investigated by HMRC.

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The one I'm waiting for is the 'middle class, on benefits and pretending not to be' programme.


All the producers have to do is look at Mumsnet to see them all helping each other out with tips and tricks. This time of year is interesting as they post about anxiously waiting for the tax credits application to pop through the door, or to find out how much they'll get, or they fret because they realise they are getting investigated by HMRC.


That one I would like to see. Know a few!

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I'd much rather see the low life scum exposed rather than the owners of big corporate companies etc as at least they get up and work for a living and contribute to society. How does a family full of long term benefits contribute? Sure there are exceptions but the majority are just taking the **** out of those that work for a living and in many cases are struggling themselves.


How does Amazon, for example, contribute to society?

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it means people like myself who work but dont have that much money can buy things pretty cheap?


or is that wrong?


Well, research has shown that for every job Amazon creates it destroys five jobs, e.g. on the high Street. It undercuts and destroys bricks and mortar businesses.


It doesn't pay much tax. The prices it charges are driven by the low amount of tax it pays.


It treats its workers badly and pays low wages.


It's a fallacy of composition to argue that because it's good for you individually it's good for society as a whole.


Could go on......

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