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Fed-up with benefit program's on TV

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Well, research has shown that for every job Amazon creates it destroys five jobs, e.g. on the high Street. It undercuts and destroys bricks and mortar businesses.


It doesn't pay much tax. The prices it charges are driven by the low amount of tax it pays.


It treats its workers badly and pays low wages.


It's a fallacy of composition to argue that because it's good for you individually it's good for society as a whole.


Could go on......

i didnt say its good as a whole, for me its all i can afford...generally


i dont have the middle class protest choice

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i didnt say its good as a whole, for me its all i can afford...generally


i dont have the middle class protest choice


I don't agree with Amazon's employment or tax practices but if they are the only place I can get something - sometimes they are - then I'm going to order it

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I don't agree with Amazon's employment or tax practices but if they are the only place I can get something - sometimes they are - then I'm going to order it


If only there was a organisation, voted for by the public who pass laws and things who could do something about it.

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If you or I packed in our jobs we would be entitled to nothing. Meanwhile people who haven't worked for years get money thrown at them. It's madness.


I was surprised when they said on the last program, about a £500 gift for first time mums.

£500 is a lot of money, not just for the workless though.

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The unemployed have big screen TVs etc on the never ever. They pay fortnightly for the kids school shoes etc. If you think it is so great on benefits stop working and give it a go! See how you get on.


This is the thing, people do.


On Mumsnet there are people who do exactly that - give up full time jobs to get 16 hour a week jobs or go "self-employed' so they can max out on tax credits and housing benefit.


The only difference is they won't look like the people on benefits street. They will have nice cars and houses, many will live in prosperous areas. Outwardly they look the part they play the system as well as anybody from any TV programme, perhaps even better.


Look at the Mumsnet 'money matters' forum. Go back over a few months - half of it is about benefits and tax credits.

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This is the thing, people do.


On Mumsnet there are people who do exactly that - give up full time jobs to get 16 hour a week jobs or go "self-employed' so they can max out on tax credits and housing benefit.


The only difference is they won't look like the people on benefits street. They will have nice cars and houses, many will live in prosperous areas. Outwardly they look the part they play the system as well as anybody from any TV programme, perhaps even better.


Look at the Mumsnet 'money matters' forum. Go back over a few months - half of it is about benefits and tax credits.


One shouldn't accuse people of taking advantage of what they are legally entitled to, or making use of the existing rules and regulations, whether they be immigrants, middle class, companies or billionaires. The rules are usually decided by Parliament (or EU), and until they're amended, that's it!

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One shouldn't accuse people of taking advantage of what they are legally entitled to, or making use of the existing rules and regulations, whether they be immigrants, middle class, companies or billionaires. The rules are usually decided by Parliament (or EU), and until they're amended, that's it!


Don't misunderstand. I'm not critising and it's clear people play the system from the bottom to the top. Its unfair that the poor are targeted by these programs when loads of people at all levels are gaming the system.


There's probably quite a narrow band of earners who don't get any opportunity to do the same. The rest are propped up by the state either through benefits, or lax regulations that turn a blind eye to all kinds of scams at the higher end.

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