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Fed-up with benefit program's on TV

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Isn't that the same excuse given for over-paid bankers who are awarded huge bonuses?


If you perform in your job you should be rewarded. How would you feel if you made your company £500 million one year then was told because some of your colleagues had lost the company money you wouldn't be getting any bonus, you'd be livid I know I would.

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It's not taxpayers money if the taxman hasn't had it in his hands in the first place.


What a ridiculous argument. :roll: Let's all stop paying our tax shall we and see how many demands we receive? What about all those people who refuse to pay their council tax who receive notifications to attend court?

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How much profit do they make on this though? how many employees do they have in work and off benefits? you've gone for the easy obvious targets here and this is the tip of the iceberg, there are plenty of other large corporations who would switch overseas if it was more cost effective.


According to maccy ds blurb 30% pre tax. Most companies are quite happy, nay obligated to tell everyone (particularly their shareholders) pre tax profits. I'd like a slice of the those profits, a sliver, to go stuff like hospitals and schools and even tax credits (so they can continue to pay their staff the least possible and let the tax payer top it up).


I don't want half, I'd settle for 10%. If they aren't making profits they don't pay anything - you know like most businesses who aren't multinationals and can't stuff it all away in the Cayman islands.

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You do realise that if a lot of large company's had to pay stupid amounts of tax they would just shut up shop and move their operations abroad right? That would then cost the uk loads of jobs and screw the economy up even more than tax avoidance.


Have you ever thought that might be why the government has their hands tied a little with it?


Then, according to you, we should give them carte blanche to do whatever they like because they know we'll put up with it. Where do you draw the line? Or perhaps you don't draw it at all?


That's blackmail, and the best way to deal with blackmailers is to call their bluff.

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Oh Ok, they wouldn't then, forget everything I just said :roll:


That's better........good dog.


---------- Post added 24-02-2015 at 23:27 ----------


How much profit do they make on this though? how many employees do they have in work and off benefits? you've gone for the easy obvious targets here and this is the tip of the iceberg, there are plenty of other large corporations who would switch overseas if it was more cost effective.


How many of their employees do we have to support with our taxes? 60, 70, 80%???

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Everyone I know gets paid for doing their job. Why should you get paid again for doing what you are paid to do?


Incentives to go the extra mile, how many people do you know turn up for work and just do the minimum they can get away with? basic salary, why do more? put a bonus in place and its a different ball game. Some jobs are pretty poor for basic wage so you have to go the extra mile to earn a decent living. Your earning it your company's earning it everyone's happy.

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If you perform in your job you should be rewarded. How would you feel if you made your company £500 million one year then was told because some of your colleagues had lost the company money you wouldn't be getting any bonus, you'd be livid I know I would.


How would you feel if you lost billions and almost brought the economy to a complete halt?? Oh, you'd probably still get paid millions and expect the tax payer to sort the entire mess out for you with years of austerity measures and cuts to public services.

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