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Fed-up with benefit program's on TV

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People go on about people on benefits being jealous.... I think it's the other way around.


Exactly, and if people feel so jealous about those on benefits having such a wonderful time, why don't they do the same thing and cope with the reality, MPs have tried living on benefits for a week and hated it.


I wonder what will be the next title they will come up with for these benefit programmes, 'How to run a Bentley on benefits?'

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Let's balance things out a bit shall we. Why don't we have as many program's of large corporate tax evaders, as we do benefit program's on TV?


Let's stop picking on the little people.


Even the independent small shop owners hate the fact that the tax man makes more of an effort to chase them, than large corporations


Also, let's see how much the large corporations cost the tax payer by evading

(which is illegal) their taxes.


Because the large corporate tax evaders own the TV channels that's why :D

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Can't this user distinguish between program and programme?


Programme is the British English spelling.


Program is the US English spelling.


Happy to help:)


No it isn't.


Program is what you do when you write code on a computer. Programme is the appropriate spelling for the other uses of the word; a programme of events.


I see your point though, in this thread only 'programme' should be used.

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As long as benefit programmes keep getting good ratings, TV companies will keep showing them.


You're a big fan then?


---------- Post added 19-06-2015 at 22:45 ----------


Because the large corporate tax evaders own the TV channels that's why :D


Spot on......

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No they don't. They just think they do because they've read about it in a tabloid or had some TV programme tell them it's true. Most of those who claim they do are just projecting their own prejudices onto someone else who they don't actually know the first thing about.


While I don't doubt that some people will have personal experience of claimants who don't 'play by the rules' (its hard not to use such clichés, they have become a common sense) and when people are working so many hours for in what cases is so little pay, its understandable they will lash out, I doubt most of the critics on here have. I also think the public is largely being played: by a Govt(regime?) and its pliant media (including the BBC) into thinking there is a massive problem where there isn't and creating a dangerous situation where the demonisation of unemployed people and disabled people on social security has led to in many cases a visceral hatred, (and I am aware that is a strong word) which has led to suicides, hate crimes, and other brutalities. In other countries this anger which many have about their precarious situation has led to positive progressive outcomes such as the rise of Podemos in Spain, not turning on one another as in England(not happening in Scotland).



I also think that Kippers, social darwinists, eugenists, what used to be called 'the green ink brigade' have so flooded social media sites with smears and lies that just by their sheer repetition they have become 'truths.


unemployment is not an individual failing, its a structural problem that until Thatcher, Govts, including Tory ones accepted was a failing of the market and not to blame individuals,


how far or how low have we have come.

Edited by gamezone07
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Let's balance things out a bit shall we. Why don't we have as many program's of large corporate tax evaders, as we do benefit program's on TV?


Let's stop picking on the little people.


Even the independent small shop owners hate the fact that the tax man makes more of an effort to chase them, than large corporations


Also, let's see how much the large corporations cost the tax payer by evading

(which is illegal) their taxes.


Why not just watch something else, and by something not made in Chelsea or other twaddle. TV has never been better. Anyone who watches those benefits programmes with any sort of regularity needs their TV destroying.

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People have been annoyed by scroungers living high on the hog on benefits for years, it's not a recent thing. It's just that austerity is forcing people to actually work for their money instead of just being able to recieve benefits for doing nothing (LITERALLY nothing in some cases) for years on end. No-one should be entitled to benefits from cradle to grave without living up to their end of the bargain and contributing to society.

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