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Bus Fare changes on firstbus

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Yes maybe between the south and the North but why do the prices differ between say Sheffield and Leeds?


There is also a commercial element based on market conditions, frequency of service, network size, prosperity of the area served etc.


As an example in Sheffield, First slashed their ticket priced in October 2010 when the Sheffield Bus Partnership launched and even after the price increases coming up, they will still be charging less than they were 5 years ago for many journeys! As a result they are trading on much thinner margins but have grown patronage.

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Guest busdriver1
I love your sarcasm. I'd love to hear from Busdriver to explain when it doesnt happen why the fares are still higher.


I will give it now even though it contains the dreaded FACTS, In 2 years time all other costs will have risen and concessionary compensation will have fallen.

If neither of those happen then fares could well remain frozen or even go down but since the PTE are failing in their duty to provide non essential and low use services and First are covering some of them at either break even or a loss I fail to see how it could happen.


---------- Post added 03-03-2015 at 11:36 ----------


Only a few services & very few by First are subsidised by the taxpayer(SYPTE) majority of services are operated commercially.


SYPTE claim to have no money so several services that are barely viable are being run by First in order to provide a minimal service for those areas.

I understand that first may be reviewing that policy.

No doubt if they do, it will be their fault, not the PTE who are supposed to back these services and do not.


---------- Post added 03-03-2015 at 11:39 ----------


No worries mate. I personally think it would be cheeper and better if we just renationalised the lot. Privatisation has failed if we have to subsidise private companies.


The privatisation bill allowed for PTE's and councils to fill the gaps in commercial networks through tendered services.


The PTE's have consistently reduced the amount of money available for these services trying to push the burden onto the commercial sector.

It is ILLEGAL for a commercial operator to run a bus service at a loss under the transport act of 1986 but many are doing so because councils and PTE's will not provide the funding they are obliged to.

Edited by busdriver1
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As I do not catch the bus I'm not sure but do over 65 pay anything ?

Or do they still travel for free ,it would not hurt them to pay a small charge

10 pence a trip I don't think that's unreasonable


You are having a laugh. I paid full tax and full everything else for 46 years to be allowed free travel and you think it's reasonable that this should now be denied me after it has already been more restricted by taking the right to travel free on trains taken away altogether. It is indeed unreasonable and I am quite miffed by your remark

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What's paying full tax got to do with it why should you be given free travel

Even if you take a dog on a bus you have to pay unemployed have to pay full

Price even kids have to pay so why should the over 60 / 65 be free the gov keep telling us were all in it together and just 10 or 20 pence a trip ain't bad is it

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I wonder how much of their extra costs can actually be justified. For example, wifi on new buses - does anyone actually use this? For me, a smartcard ticket for First buses only would be much more useful.


I have to wonder about people that can't catch a bus without connecting themselves to the internet. Wifi provision on buses is just as a riduculous concept as the provision of mobile phone connection on tube trains.


Surely what people want is buses that run on time, actually turn up and get you where you want to be witha s few connections and as cheaply as possible; without having other passengers entertainment or telephone conversations making the journey unpleasant.


I'm thinking that a more attractive proposition would be hearing that wifi and mobile phone network access is to be blocked in some public places and on all public transport.


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