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ISIS destroy 3000 year old treasures in Mosul Museum

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That's the irony, what happened to them? I was reading about Mehmet 2nd (the Ottoman leader who conquered Constantinople) one of the first things he did was pay an Italian artist to decorate his new palace with statues, paintings of the human form and a bit of risqué stuff as well, His son was Selim the Sot so called because he liked a drink.


When and why did things change in this peculiar belief system.


Nothing has changed in their belief system. Islam is just the same as it was. It's just that a small fraction of it has lost the plot. It's been allowed to do it because of a political and military power vacuum in Iraq and parts of Syria.


Just like every other religion it has extreme branches. Even in our own country, in Northern Ireland, we had sectarian groups of the same religion bombing and shooting each other. And sometimes bombing us too - let's not forget the horror and terror of the pub bombings of the 70s and into the 90s at Warrington. Christians did that.

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I agree with you that some of the early Muslims were great scientists and mathematicians, but the current fundamentalists such as ISIS regard those people as not true Muslims. They deny all the early Islamic science and want to go back to the time when Mohammed lived.


This article explains it very well, but it's quite long -




Of course, a lot of the items they're destroying were around when Mohammed was...


...you'd have thought if he wanted to, he could have done it himself.

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I think that's what many Muslims on here argue, yet get lumbered with the ISIS fundamentalist stick as one simply because of the term Muslim.


They are lumped together because they share and perpetuate the same belief system... not just the term 'Muslim'.


They all believe is a homophobic and sexist god that is so egocentric that he demands to be worshiped and so sadistic that he would condemn those who do not worship him to an eternal afterlife of torment. They all believe in a book-full of extremist nonsense and the only difference between the 'moderate' Muslim and the extremist Muslim is the semantics about how much tolerance their book-full of extreme nonsense permits.


Islamic extremism is a by-product of a religion that is extreme even in its' moderate guise. If the 'moderate' Muslim majority want to distance themselves from the extremists then they need to pick up and move camp because they live right next door to the extremist camp and too many of them stray in. People like you who pretend it has nothing to do the 'moderate' majority do them a disservice because they need to wake up to the fact that they are responsibility for the extremism... the moderate Muslim majority need to become a lot more moderate. The madness of ISIS is of their making.

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Once the cradle of civilization, now an aggregate dump.


You'd think the use of toilet paper would be more comfortable,




Now Muhammad takes us to the toilet. He forbids his followers to face the qibla [i.e., toward the mosque at Mecca] at the time of excretion or urination, or cleansing with right hand or with less than three pebbles

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Gah, can't even express my feelings (mostly because I'd get banned).


What does someone with 5 posts know about the banning policy? Been here before?



They are lumped together because they share and perpetuate the same belief system... not just the term 'Muslim'.


They all believe is a homophobic and sexist god that is so egocentric that he demands to be worshiped and so sadistic that he would condemn those who do not worship him to an eternal afterlife of torment. They all believe in a book-full of extremist nonsense and the only difference between the 'moderate' Muslim and the extremist Muslim is the semantics about how much tolerance their book-full of extreme nonsense permits.


Christians also believe in a nasty God. There is very little difference between Islam and biblical Christianity.

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Brutal, intolerant, fundamentalist Islam. They don't need 3000 year old statues, they don't need culture or libraries they just need one book. An ignorant (and terrorised) population are easier to control. Ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery and jihad is "peace".




round about the same time this happend I was watching a wild life doco on tv with footage of elephants showing reverence to the bones of a deceased relative. To them the physical manifestation of memory is important.


Elephants: 1 ; ISIS: nil.

Edited by johncocker
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First you see them laying waste to the museum contents then destroying the big stuff outdoors with pneumatic drills.




Sadly it was ever thus, visit any of our older churches, cathedrals or ruined monasteries in this country and you will see evidence of our own religious extremists. Icons, statues, wall paintings, stained glass etc. all destroyed in the name of the “true religion”, the iconoclasts have a lot to answer for.

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Sadly it was ever thus, visit any of our older churches, cathedrals or ruined monasteries in this country and you will see evidence of our own religious extremists. Icons, statues, wall paintings, stained glass etc. all destroyed in the name of the “true religion”, the iconoclasts have a lot to answer for.


Very true, we had our own fundamentalist religious nutters in the shape of the Puritan iconoclasts mostly during the English Civil War who tool sledgehammers to a lot of our finest treasures in the cathedrals and abbeys during the 1640s.


They had similar motives. The English Iconoclasts saw representations of the Saints and Christ as Popery and Catholic and thought it should be destroyed. Stained glass was particularly badly hit.


But this was nearly 400 years ago. You would expect civilisation to have advanced since then. The problem is that the Islamic areas never went through the Enlightenment and remain stuck with mediaeval thinking.

Edited by Nagel
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They are lumped together because they share and perpetuate the same belief system... not just the term 'Muslim'.


They all believe is a homophobic and sexist god that is so egocentric that he demands to be worshiped and so sadistic that he would condemn those who do not worship him to an eternal afterlife of torment. They all believe in a book-full of extremist nonsense and the only difference between the 'moderate' Muslim and the extremist Muslim is the semantics about how much tolerance their book-full of extreme nonsense permits.


Islamic extremism is a by-product of a religion that is extreme even in its' moderate guise. If the 'moderate' Muslim majority want to distance themselves from the extremists then they need to pick up and move camp because they live right next door to the extremist camp and too many of them stray in. People like you who pretend it has nothing to do the 'moderate' majority do them a disservice because they need to wake up to the fact that they are responsibility for the extremism... the moderate Muslim majority need to become a lot more moderate. The madness of ISIS is of their making.


Now that is odd, how does that explain the gay muslim lad that prayed at mosque every day we had at the school where I worked? Very active in the muslim community and never hid his sexual preferences?

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