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The elections are coming.

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Well, it's nearly time for us to vote for who will be the next government of our Country.

It looks as though we have four choices.

The Conservatives .

New Labour.

The Liberals and Ukip.


Now forgive me but I fail to see any difference as to this gang of four.


I mean, most of the candidates will be hand picked by the already established parties.

A considerable number of them will be from a privileged and privately educated backgrounds.


Now as we look around the majority of voters are as far removed from these prima downers as it is possible to get.

So why is it that no one has challenged these established professional politicians , Why is it that we go to these polls without thought that these people are laughing at us all the way to Westminster.


Is there no party out there who has a leader who actually knows what it is to be part of every day life, who knows what it means to not have a proper job with proper pay or a roof over ones head.

In other words can there be change or are we just brain dead.

Edited by cuttsie
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That's the whole point Cuttsie, millions of people have challenged these established professional politicians, but the system is so rigged that the politicians have no need to listen, much less do anything about it, and they won't. Turkeys do not vote for Christmas.


People are calling out for change! But when short lists are pre-arranged, and the parties stay the same, nothing happens. Democracy is a myth.


As the saying goes, 'It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government still gets in.'


That's why people like Russell Brand are saying don't vote, it only encourages things to stay the same. I'm not sure I agree with him, personally I prefer a 'none of the above' box on the ballot paper, and if that gets enough 'votes' something drastic has to be done about it.


Otherwise people will be forced to take matters into their own hands and force change by force of numbers, in other words some kind of revolution.


We used to look down on other systems around the world, and the machinations of places like Russia with their 'elections' but are ours much better?


---------- Post added 26-02-2015 at 23:31 ----------


Vote for the policies, not the candidates. We aren't Americans.


You mean the policies they put in their manifestoes and then change after they're elected?

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That's the whole point Cuttsie, millions of people have challenged these established professional politicians, but the system is so rigged that the politicians have no need to listen, much less do anything about it, and they won't. Turkeys do not vote for Christmas.


People are calling out for change! But when short lists are pre-arranged, and the parties stay the same, nothing happens. Democracy is a myth.


Except of course almost anyone can stand in the UK...




If you have a popular set of policies you could well win.


For a more prosaic look, try the local elections. Far easier to win on a local ticket and there is no deposit needed.

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Except of course almost anyone can stand in the UK...




If you have a popular set of policies you could well win.


For a more prosaic look, try the local elections. Far easier to win on a local ticket and there is no deposit needed.


Oh please.... sure anyone can stand (almost) but the idea is to actually get elected, which they almost certainly will not.

Did you know only 12 independent candidates have been elected to parliament since 1950? And most of them were vaguely famous anyway.

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Oh please.... sure anyone can stand (almost) but the idea is to actually get elected, which they almost certainly will not.

Did you know only 12 independent candidates have been elected to parliament since 1950? And most of them were vaguely famous anyway.


It's always someone elses fault Anna isn't it... always the fault of the Big Man or someone.


Perhaps - just perhaps - the independants don't get voted in often because they are usually fruitcakes with nothing coherent about their policies. Occassionally when they do get in it's because they have an issue that is seriously important to the electorate.


Notheless, everyone gets to do the same process to stand as a candidate. To claim that democracy is a sham when it is clearly open to almost everyone is a very strange thing to do.

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It's always someone elses fault Anna isn't it... always the fault of the Big Man or someone.


Perhaps - just perhaps - the independants don't get voted in often because they are usually fruitcakes with nothing coherent about their policies. Occassionally when they do get in it's because they have an issue that is seriously important to the electorate.


Notheless, everyone gets to do the same process to stand as a candidate. To claim that democracy is a sham when it is clearly open to almost everyone is a very strange thing to do.


They don't get in because they don't have a multi-million pound party machine behind them, getting their faces in the media, and pushing their agenda. That's why the few independents that do occasionally get in are already high profile and rich, like that war correspondant bloke in the white suit.


Many independents have excellent policies, and (more importantly) want to represent the people rather than a particular party, but the public rightly perceive to vote for them as a wasted vote.

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