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The elections are coming.

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Most football fans are out spoken after games. Every time I go to the match there are thousands of 'managers' who could do a better job, me included :)


You said earlier 'Don't forget that to win an election, you need millions of pounds.' Well he seems to know what he's talking about, he has all the answers, he has millions of pounds, he has millions of supporters, he seems like the perfect candidate.




I see people on QT, and various programmes who say the same thing, and most say that the people doing the work should decide on what goes on.


The country wouldn't last a year if this happened. They would (and do) just say, more wages, fewer hours, less tax, more holidays, better pensions etc. with no plan on how to do it or finance it.




Like the football analogy, there are thousands of armchair politicians in here.


I wrote in the other thread, people say things [current topics] like 'close the loopholes', 'stop tax evading', 'close the borders' etc. but when pushed into answering how these things are possible, they wander of and rant somewhere else.


... and importantly, we all can't agree, so who is right?


Just because he's rich and out spoken doesn't mean he should run for office.


As for your other point. Why would less hours, more money etc. not work? It seems to work well for other countries.

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New Labour.


Now forgive me but I fail to see any difference as to this gang of four.


I mean, most of the candidates will be hand picked by the already established parties.

A considerable number of them will be from a privileged and privately educated backgrounds.


Sadly without a Labour party anymore who we can vote for.

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They have one???


I was more surprised to hear their LGBT representative resigned. Not that he resigned more that they actually had one in the first place.



Im surprised any political party has one, not exactly a priority is it. There are far more important things that politicians should be concentrating on ,and spending their time on .

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As for your other point. Why would less hours, more money etc. not work? It seems to work well for other countries.


You'll have to expand on this part about other countries.


Do you mean in public or private sector? We have to discuss these separately really because they are financed differently.

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Perhaps some one will start a socialist party.

Mind you it costs around £35,000 of your own money just to get selected for a seat , it looks as though proper socialists need not apply.


There is a socialist party.

It's called The Socialist party!

look 'em up

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Perhaps some one will start a socialist party.

Mind you it costs around £35,000 of your own money just to get selected for a seat , it looks as though proper socialists need not apply.


I suppose if a tory wanted to join they'd add the fee to the national debt

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Perhaps some one will start a socialist party.

Mind you it costs around £35,000 of your own money just to get selected for a seat , it looks as though proper socialists need not apply.


I wonder why it costs so much money for a seat? It's almost like the system isn't catered for poor people :suspect:

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I wonder why it costs so much money for a seat? It's almost like the system isn't catered for poor people :suspect:

The day of the ordinary Person getting a seat are now past as the main party's have now created a closed shop system , they pick the candidate.

Jobs for the boys and family come to mind.

Strange how in the day the Unions were frowned upon for using that very system

Edited by cuttsie
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