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The elections are coming.

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You should vote Conservative. Indeed you should join the party. First no government in recent history has done as much to tighten up taxation. Equally the banks are being brought into line after being allowed to go mad under Labour.

You obviously don't believe in kicking a man when he is down, that's commendable, but its not politics either. By allowing Milliband any credibility he assists the Labour party.




I assume you said all that with tongue in cheek Alan???



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I assume you said all that with tongue in cheek Alan???




Not at all.


There are many reasons a person like our friend should become politically active and he has good instincts.


When considering his affiliation he should bear in mind that after taking over from a government that absolutely ruined us we have.....


Halved the deficit

1000 jobs per day whilst in office

tax cuts for 26 million lower paid

benefits capped to reward work

2 million apprenticeships

1 million more kids in good/outstanding schools


I would encourage you and others to look at the facts, to tear yourselves away from ingrained prejudice. To vote for David Cameron

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It wont happen, nor should it, Milliband in the same position would not go one on one with a Tory leader of the opposition.


Miliband has already said a Labour government would legislate to make the debates compulsory.


---------- Post added 11-03-2015 at 18:15 ----------


Equally the banks are being brought into line after being allowed to go mad under Labour.


The banks started to go mad when Thatcher brought in deregulation. Labour just allowed them to carry on as they had been doing.

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Not at all.



I would encourage you and others to look at the facts, to tear yourselves away from ingrained prejudice. To vote for David Cameron


Sorry Alan, I have no ingrained prejudice (I'm too old for that!).

You've listed some of the things that Cameron has claimed to have done, but what about the things he failed to do as promised?

Renegotiation with the EU an various matters.

Paying a surcharge to the EU but trying to tell the public he halved it.

Bankers bonuses have not been curbed.

He's not perfect, but still a darn sight better than Milliband.

I won't be voting for either of them!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, it's nearly time for us to vote for who will be the next government of our Country.

It looks as though we have four choices.

The Conservatives .

New Labour.

The Liberals and Ukip.


Now forgive me but I fail to see any difference as to this gang of four.


I mean, most of the candidates will be hand picked by the already established parties.

A considerable number of them will be from a privileged and privately educated backgrounds.


Now as we look around the majority of voters are as far removed from these prima downers as it is possible to get.

So why is it that no one has challenged these established professional politicians , Why is it that we go to these polls without thought that these people are laughing at us all the way to Westminster.


Is there no party out there who has a leader who actually knows what it is to be part of every day life, who knows what it means to not have a proper job with proper pay or a roof over ones head.

In other words can there be change or are we just brain dead.

Well I have just watched Cameron and Edd on Paxtons program on channel four and! I never thought I would say it but Cameron won hands down.

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Well I have just watched Cameron and Edd on Paxtons program on channel four and! I never thought I would say it but Cameron won hands down.


That's not what most other people/media are saying

Both comments are irrelevant, as are all the commentators'. What counts is MPs elected, come 7 May.

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