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Stressed and need to relax

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Reiki is very good for Relaxation and reducing Stress.


Rotherham Reiki offers Reiki Healing sessions and a relaxation C.D.


Price £20:00


Rotherham Reiki is in Maltby Rotherham. Just mins from M18 Junction I, easy reachable.


Please p.m. for details

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The word Reiki is comprised of two Kanji characters, Rei & Ki. Translated into English, Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy.


Universal life force within the Human body is called “life energy”. It is this energy within our bodies that gives us the ability to live our lives with strength, purpose, and the natural ability to heal.


You may recognise “life energy” as called, prana, chi, vitality, aura, magnetism… Each name represents the same energy and in our case we call it Reiki as to define both life energy within the human body and Universal energy permeating all things.


Reiki is a complete practical healing system which can be used on your self, other people, animals or plants. Reiki can also be used on situation physical or emotional ills. It can be used to purify foods and strengthen the efficiency of medication and vitamin products. Reiki has been known to speed up the recovery rate of stoke and heart attack victims. Reiki can be used as a boost for depression suffers, or for anyone lacking in energy. It can boost the immune system for both client and practitioner, reducing the risks of colds, flu and other bugs. The truth is Reiki is a simple and effective method for opening the healing powers within you.


Regardless of difference in practices methods, we all know that Reiki works, no matter what the beliefs or spiritual ideas of its practitioners. It doesn’t really matter if we know or understand who did what, when or how. The only thing that matters is that Reiki is a valid healing system with many applications to bring universal love and compassion into any situation, to heal, strengthen and empower any individual.


Hope that expalined it



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