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Algebra and logarithms

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Removing some or all of the vocational training seems to be madness, especially as they encouraged the less academic to prepare for entry into the work place rather than the dole que. There is an argument for people having an understanding of algebra, not only how to apply it but what it actually is, the same coan be said for ratio and proportion too.


Logarithic tables are obselete and have been since calculators became readily and cheaply available.


But it is true to say that there are some things taught in maths in schools which are for the majority of people unnecessary. Use of Protractors and compasses come immediately to mind.


Understanding and interpretting statistics deserves more emphasis for those that won't learn.


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I left school in 1963 and there has never been one single moment of my life since when I thought that being taught logarithms was of any use !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yes, but at least you know what this thread is about.

Not everything stored in your brain is of immediate use, it's known as general knowledge.

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If you are in an occupation such as Medicine/Agri or Horticulture where you need knowledge of Hydrogen ion concentration -pH values- eg in blood,soil,food you need a very basic knowledge of Logs to the base 10. Also,in electronics,to understand the concepts of Gain and Attenuation you also need basic Log knowledge as decibels are a logarithmic scale.I can't think of any day to day use where Natural (Naperian) Logs are required though.

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Because of Michael Goves reforms, schools are down-scaling their efforts in subjects like hairdressing, beauty, child care, construction and car mechanics courses.

Instead they are concentrating more on Maths, English and Science. Not every student will benefit from learning algebra and logarithms, so are the reforms a good thing since children will no longer gain experience from learning about everyday things such as cars and beauty.

What percentage of jobs will algebra and logarithms be useful in?


Surely schools aren't teaching vocational courses like hairdressing and child care? That's a post GCSE further education path.

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