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Migration hits 300k, 110k dont have a job to come to..

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So what's the story? because if you look at data we are being swamped by immigrants who don't appear to add anything to our society.

Then if you look at non tangible evidence, the not spending in the economy, sending money home and claiming benefits its a mess. One bloke on this TV show was saving up benefits to buy a house in Romania!

In some ways I don't blame them, we've opened the doors and made it too easy. We should of sorted our house out first.


Plus we've inherited all the gangs of thieves stealing bikes etc. Not good.


---------- Post added 27-02-2015 at 17:19 ----------


Simple deduction, the total figure of migrants in 2014 stands at 300K, there are some 300K foreign students in total according to HESA (A very respectable institute that would not include anything else than figures provided by genuine universities). These students are here for either a year or 3 years depending on the course/visa they were provided with. Quite quickly you come to the conclusion that over 100K a year are here legitimately.


If the total number of student visa-cheats was traceable/significant, it would be easy to pin a number on it, but it isn't significant because the number is hard to come by.


Students are not the issue. Many of them pay fees way higher than domestic students.


---------- Post added 27-02-2015 at 17:20 ----------



I'm one of them, I came here without a job or student visa or anything... except for my wife who was effectively pinched from her post in the Netherlands because there is a massive shortage of skill in her area of expertise. Can you show me figures that correlate the number of immigrants without a job to the number of people claiming benefits?



Netherlands hardly a third world country is it?:loopy:


---------- Post added 27-02-2015 at 17:22 ----------


Simply put. We have to get immigration down to under 100k. Which is absolutely impossible while we are in the EU. So it's a bit of a catch 22 situation.


---------- Post added 27-02-2015 at 17:28 ----------


And cut foreign aid. Nice to see Indias 200 million ending this year. Someone had some sense and realised they don't actually need it! How we can spend all this money on other countries while cutting local services / councils is nothing short of disgraceful.

Edited by ubermaus
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So what's the story? because if you look at data we are being swamped by immigrants who don't appear to add anything to our society.

Then if you look at non tangible evidence, the not spending in the economy, sending money home and claiming benefits its a mess. One bloke on this TV show was saving up benefits to buy a house in Romania!

In some ways I don't blame them, we've opened the doors and made it too easy. We should of sorted our house out first.


Plus we've inherited all the gangs of thieves stealing bikes etc. Not good.


I'll tell you in honest terms what the story is: The story is that (apologies in advance) less intelligent members of our society are being whipped up to be agitated about migration because it is a better storyline to fight elections over than having to cut 30% of the budget.


Students are not the issue. Many of them pay fees way higher than domestic students.

They are a LARGE part of the 300K figure that you take offence with, so apparently they are the issue according to you. Are you beginning to understand why your post is daft now?


Netherlands hardly a third world country is it?:loopy:

What and Romania is?


Simply put. We have to get immigration down to under 100k. Which is absolutely impossible while we are in the EU. So it's a bit of a catch 22 situation.

Nothing simple about it, where does the 100K figure come from? The Tory manifesto? Why such an arbitrary figure? Because there is nothing simple about the situation. Ask a child how many starlings are in a flock and chances are they will answer: 1 Million! Same arbitrary figure as the 100K. Now try counting the starlings.


And cut foreign aid. Nice to see Indias 200 million ending this year. Someone had some sense and realised they don't actually need it! How we can spend all this money on other countries while cutting local services / councils is nothing short of disgraceful.


Having people like you sitting behind their computer screen just before they go and have dinner agitating about a small part of our tax-money going to countries where it is needed or where we want to have influence is disgraceful.

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Nothing simple about it, where does the 100K figure come from? The Tory manifesto? Why such an arbitrary figure? Because there is nothing simple about the situation. Ask a child how many starlings are in a flock and chances are they will answer: 1 Million! Same arbitrary figure as the 100K. Now try counting the starlings.


It comes from The new statesman and the BBC reported 110k. Why on earth would the Tory manifesto say such a thing?


Having people like you sitting behind their computer screen just before they go and have dinner agitating about a small part of our tax-money going to countries where it is needed or where we want to have influence is disgraceful.


13bn is small change? it seems to be you who is deluded here.


---------- Post added 27-02-2015 at 18:24 ----------


Maybe the 100k people are dependants of the other 300k people coming?


Maybe yes, maybe no. The point is we just don't know the real number who come here and bum off the state but its a deficit not a surplus.

Edited by ubermaus
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Never mind! No one's breaking the law! ;)


---------- Post added 27-02-2015 at 18:30 ----------


No they dont have a job, no employment, no student visa....under current laws its perfectly legal but is quite clearly daylight robbery on all the people who pay taxes in this country and then get told about cuts / no social housing...


Yeah, and it's also legal to avoid paying tax through loopholes. So I couldn't care less.

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Never mind! No one's breaking the law! ;)


---------- Post added 27-02-2015 at 18:30 ----------



Yeah, and it's also legal to avoid paying tax through loopholes. So I couldn't care less.


Whats paying tax through loopholes got to do with the price of peas?

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Whats paying tax through loopholes got to do with the price of peas?


Can't you see the parallel? One end of the scale, we have millionaires dodging tax, which costs the economy billions.

At the other end of the scale, we have poor immigrants claiming benefits, which also costs the economy, albeit a hell of a lot less.

Both are legal, both are very immoral, yet people's anger always seems to be aimed at the poor people. So, I say sod it. Until public perception changes, I'm on the poor man's side, every step of the way!

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Can't you see the parallel? One end of the scale, we have millionaires dodging tax, which costs the economy billions.

At the other end of the scale, we have poor immigrants claiming benefits, which also costs the economy, albeit a hell of a lot less.

Both are legal, both are very immoral, yet people's anger always seems to be aimed at the poor people. So, I say sod it. Until public perception changes, I'm on the poor man's side, every step of the way!


Cant we be angry at both? its not an immigrants vs bankers debate. Its about fairness at the end of the day.

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I wonder what was Tony Blair thinking of when he decided that there was no need to put restrictions on how many people could enter the country, when he signed to take us into the EU. I think it was him, correct me if I am wrong.


How can we pay for all of these benefits? Does anyone know when Turkey is joining the EU? I definitely think if they join and there is no restrictions this country is finished.

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