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Migration hits 300k, 110k dont have a job to come to..

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I wonder what was Tony Blair thinking of when he decided that there was no need to put restrictions on how many people could enter the country, when he signed to take us into the EU. I think it was him, correct me if I am wrong.


You're wrong by over 20 years. Heath took us in in 73 and Thatcher signed the Single European Act in 86. Major signed the Maastricht Treaty. And yet it's always the right-wingers who slag off the EU.

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It comes from The new statesman and the BBC reported 110k. Why on earth would the Tory manifesto say such a thing?


Oh dear... You are not aware that the Tories 'promised' to cut immigration to 100K a year?


I don't care who reported what, I care about the composition of the figures. As I understand it, in your opinion is that we now have 110K people extra on benefits. You are clueless.


13bn is small change? it seems to be you who is deluded here.


Where did I say it is small change?


Maybe yes, maybe no. The point is we just don't know the real number who come here and bum off the state but its a deficit not a surplus.


A deficit according to whom? The thousands of employers who benefit from knowledge brought in or the frothing angry crowd who believe headlines without understanding them?


Cant we be angry at both? its not an immigrants vs bankers debate. Its about fairness at the end of the day.


It is indeed not a bankers vs immigrants debate, most financial institutes in this country rely heavily on immigrants after all. And you rely on those financial institutes without realising it.


It's the millionaire tax-dodgers who want the immigrants to come here, whereas normal working people do not.


I am indeed a millionaire tax-dodger.

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Oh dear... You are not aware that the Tories 'promised' to cut immigration to 100K a year?


I don't care who reported what, I care about the composition of the figures. As I understand it, in your opinion is that we now have 110K people extra on benefits. You are clueless.




Where did I say it is small change?




A deficit according to whom? The thousands of employers who benefit from knowledge brought in or the frothing angry crowd who believe headlines without understanding them?




It is indeed not a bankers vs immigrants debate, most financial institutes in this country rely heavily on immigrants after all. And you rely on those financial institutes without realising it.




I am indeed a millionaire tax-dodger.


So much of what you say is so bizarre its hard to pick the bones out. 110k on benefits? Not a deficit? So we are going over to romania and claiming benefits? I could go on.

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So much of what you say is so bizarre its hard to pick the bones out. 110k on benefits? Not a deficit? So we are going over to romania and claiming benefits? I could go on.


No. So much of what you say is bizarre, where on earth do you get the idea from that these 110K are on benefits? Have you missed my point that often? Are you really that simple?


How often do you need it saying that these 110K/300K are arbitrary figures?

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No. So much of what you say is bizarre, where on earth do you get the idea from that these 110K are on benefits? Have you missed my point that often? Are you really that simple?


How often do you need it saying that these 110K/300K are arbitrary figures?


You claimed 110k are on benefits not me. Where do you think these numbers come from?

Its hard data, I posted a link and anyone with half a brain can do the research and draw their own conclusions.


---------- Post added 28-02-2015 at 11:01 ----------


I wonder what was Tony Blair thinking of when he decided that there was no need to put restrictions on how many people could enter the country, when he signed to take us into the EU. I think it was him, correct me if I am wrong.


How can we pay for all of these benefits? Does anyone know when Turkey is joining the EU? I definitely think if they join and there is no restrictions this country is finished.


We may have to leave the eu. I cant see why we should be propping up bankrupted countries.

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You claimed 110k are on benefits not me. Where do you think these numbers come from?

Its hard data, I posted a link and anyone with half a brain can do the research and draw their own conclusions.


I did not claim 110K would be coming here on benefits, I stated that you claimed that. Gosh yes, I wonder where I get that idea from!


300k is the most recent data. Its not my opinion. Of course the government know certain things. The figure of 110k is also data, and that's the absolute minimum we know do not have a job here when entering.

And thats net migration. So the actual figure is above 600k!


So what's the story? because if you look at data we are being swamped by immigrants who don't appear to add anything to our society.

Then if you look at non tangible evidence, the not spending in the economy, sending money home and claiming benefits its a mess. One bloke on this TV show was saving up benefits to buy a house in Romania!

In some ways I don't blame them, we've opened the doors and made it too easy. We should of sorted our house out first.


Plus we've inherited all the gangs of thieves stealing bikes etc. Not good.


Cant we be angry at both? its not an immigrants vs bankers debate. Its about fairness at the end of the day.


So much of what you say is so bizarre its hard to pick the bones out. 110k on benefits? Not a deficit? So we are going over to romania and claiming benefits? I could go on.


I really do wonder where I get the impression from that you think all immigrants are here because they want to claim benefits. Really puzzling that, what was I thinking.


With regards to "hard data" there is no such thing. I am not going into a science philosophy debate with you on this, but you are massively oversimplifying these figures to ensure your own rant sounds good. You've still failed to address the fact that there is a huge proportion of these immigrants that are students for example.

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104000 came to 'look for work' out of the 274000 who came for work related reasons.

We can assume its even more than that because you dont legally need a job lined up if coming from the eu.


Students got nowt to do with it.


---------- Post added 28-02-2015 at 12:50 ----------


To be clear 104000 came to look for work. They are of working age. No job. Now what happens when they cant find work or work on the blackmarket? After 3 mths they get a ni number and access to all sorts of benefits.


---------- Post added 28-02-2015 at 12:55 ----------


I did not claim 110K would be coming here on benefits, I stated that you claimed that. Gosh yes, I wonder where I get that idea from!










I really do wonder where I get the impression from that you think all immigrants are here because they want to claim benefits. Really puzzling that, what was I thinking.


With regards to "hard data" there is no such thing. I am not going into a science philosophy debate with you on this, but you are massively oversimplifying these figures to ensure your own rant sounds good. You've still failed to address the fact that there is a huge proportion of these immigrants that are students for example.


I think anyone who can read will find I never claimed all immigrants are workless and on benefits.

Where is your evidence that a huge proportion of this 104000 are students? Btw the link posted to those fancy immigrant student graphs, doesnt add up to 104000. LOL.

Edited by ubermaus
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And a significant proportion may be dependants of immigrants who have come here to work.


Yes indeed, like me :)


104000 came to 'look for work' out of the 274000 who came for work related reasons.

We can assume its even more than that because you dont legally need a job lined up if coming from the eu.


Students got nowt to do with it.


---------- Post added 28-02-2015 at 12:50 ----------


To be clear 104000 came to look for work. They are of working age. No job. Now what happens when they cant find work or work on the blackmarket? After 3 mths they get a ni number and access to all sorts of benefits.


---------- Post added 28-02-2015 at 12:55 ----------



I think anyone who can read will find I never claimed all immigrants are workless and on benefits.

Where is your evidence that a huge proportion of this 104000 are students? Btw the link posted to those fancy immigrant student graphs, doesnt add up to 104000. LOL.


Just checked your 'figures' and I am yet to see how you got to the 110K figure in the first place, the ONS has only posted raw data on the total number of immigrants without any quantification of background/purpose/dependancy/visa-type the only quantification they have included is whether they were EU or not.


So where do your numbers come from? How sure are you that the 600K does not include students? I already explained how I get to the 100K students figure, a figure that IS included in the raw data on total immigrants of the ONS.


You started this thread, I am yet to see any coherent argument come from you, which is rather typical of people that rant and rave against anything that is to do with immigration.

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You're wrong by over 20 years. Heath took us in in 73 and Thatcher signed the Single European Act in 86. Major signed the Maastricht Treaty. And yet it's always the right-wingers who slag off the EU.


Did any of us get a vote on the free for all open borders policy ?


No we didnt, we just had it forced on us , and look at the state of this country now.

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