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Work ethics and todays youth

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Can you prove to the contrary? I can't think of many business owners that I know that don't. I know plenty of people who work (hard) for a company but don't give it a thought when they finish for the day.


I can't prove a damn thing but let's be honest about it!

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The over generous benefits system is a problem too for some employers.


I think you may have that the wrong way round. It's due to employers failing to pay a living wage which has caused our benefits system to be as "generous" as it is. If employers were to pay a wage such that their employees didn't have to claim in-work benefits then the tax payer wouldn't have to pick up the slack.

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Keeping this back on topic there is a problem with many young people coming into work very enthusiastic, but wanting to call the shots (as seen above).


When they don't get their way, they leave saying that this time next year will be millionaires.


All successful people in business started off somewhere. Young people need to learn the basics of a job and be able to switch off at the end of the day.

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I think you may have that the wrong way round. It's due to employers failing to pay a living wage which has caused our benefits system to be as "generous" as it is. If employers were to pay a wage such that their employees didn't have to claim in-work benefits then the tax payer wouldn't have to pick up the slack.


The living wage is a nasty piece of propaganda from the Labour party.


I once got paid £2.50 per hour but adapted my lifestyle to make it pay. I did not expect the wage to adapt to fund my lifestyle.


Labour would bankrupt this country if let loose on business (as they nearly did before).

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Trouble with some people nowadays is they want someone to knock on their door, offer them an easy unskilled job where there is very little or no training needed, turn up when they feel like it and get paid forty grand a year for the privilege. Seems to me they have no get up and go any more.

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The living wage is a nasty piece of propaganda from the Labour party.


I once got paid £2.50 per hour but adapted my lifestyle to make it pay. I did not expect the wage to adapt to fund my lifestyle.


Labour would bankrupt this country if let loose on business (as they nearly did before).


:thumbsup::thumbsup: Finally, the most sensible post I have seen in ages.


People seem to think they are OWED a living. I too started on around the same moving up to the dizzying heights of £5600 a YEAR for my first full time job.


I found a way to manage. It was tough but I survived and it made we want to keep moving up the ladder, training, learning, further education to get to the highest of my grades and move up to an income bracket I wanted.


Nobody wants to do that anymore. They all want to go to uni, live the "student lifestyle" and then walk into a £50k+ job with a team of staff at their beck and call.


Nobody is prepared to start on the bottom rung. Start as a tea boy and doing the photocopying.


They all think the world owes them. Tax credits were a labour invention and should never have been brought in. People survived for years without such "top up" benefit. Its a joke.


A living wage is making your money stretch for whatever purpose you can afford not some made up figure from a think tank.

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There is this whole debate about immigrants taking (our) jobs from us, yet I very much doubt the majority of early school leavers would do the jobs these so called immigrants choose to do.


When I left school benefits wasn't an option, it should be same now. It disgusts me when ever you see a programme about benefits and a skiprat saying send em back their taking jobs from me. Then stop smoking drugs, robbing neighbours, procreating with anything that moves, wearing gray flannelette trousers round your ankles and actually apply for jobs.


I grew up where it was good to work, nowadays it's good to be on Jeremy Kyle..


All 16 and 17 year olds could claim dole up until 1986.


Benefits were an option in the past for people leaving school.


Now the social security system is much harsher and often no longer exists for those leaving school.


Benefits haven't been an option since 1986 for young people leaving school.


When did you leave school?


---------- Post added 01-03-2015 at 06:04 ----------


The living wage is a nasty piece of propaganda from the Labour party.


I once got paid £2.50 per hour but adapted my lifestyle to make it pay. I did not expect the wage to adapt to fund my lifestyle.


Labour would bankrupt this country if let loose on business (as they nearly did before).


The NMW didn't result in a loss of jobs.


As a share of GDP an FT worker on the £6.50 NMW would have a weekly income equivalent to the 1931 dole after it was cut to 15s3d from 18s.


We could easily afford a dole of about £200 a week and have a minimum wage of £10 an hour in this country.

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dooole 200 poaaand a week, an' tenne'our getaht'it'sil'saus


why would that happen, too much of a positive social and economic affect that palava, can you imagine those evil scroungers getting more money and having more of an opportunity to improve their lives once the the financial burden is gone?


Forget happy workers, they are just numbers who rights we want to take away and make easily replaceable, my business is my businesses and ill do what i want! If i want to justify the large difference between mine and my lowest paid employee, then i will, I don't care if i don't understand the job, I have had advice on how to get away with as much as possible, I pay the employee to work, my money what i give to them to work for ME!, should think themselves lucky they have a job, proper wealth creator i am.


don't know what I'd do if the majority of the staff, who get min wage formed some sort of group and started to put pressure on us to justify why they get that and we get a lot more, and asked to see our books or make them transparent on a some sort of forum, might sell up and go to Spain if this happens.

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