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Work ethics and todays youth

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Ah good, some people with brains responding :)




Wouldn't that be illegal though if ZHC were in place? Do you mean that after say 6 months a contract has to be given?


More red-tape. I'll tell you what happens there. Only people who excel in their job will get anything offered and the rest will rejoin the job queue. Those who excel (in any job really) become wanted by others, AND generally will look for something better themselves.


Also, and this was what I tried to get out of sheffjonny in the other thread: how many hours will be the minimum that would be needed to be legal? 4? 16? what?


Do you know how many people (especially young people in education, and single parents [mainly female]) find a few hours work here and there, cleaning, Saturday jobs etc. What will happen to them? I'll tell you - all on the scrap heap just so these Tory haters get their own way.


We employ around 50 people, probably half are single Mums on part-time hours, and to be fair, hours that suit their life. Bring in contracts like these proposals and all the part-timers will go and replaced by half the number of people but on full time hours on NMW.


Is that what you all want? (I actually don't think so, but this is what would happen)




Precisely, tinfoil, I wonder if these people who say that 'people don't live in the real world' actually live themselves in the real world. (not you JFK btw)




You know what the last ill though-out plan was? NMW. Now employers who used to pay more than the going rate can just pay this and get away with it as legal and 'moral'.


It's great for employment agencies though. They must be fighting hand over fist for a Labour government.




Yes, so let's say that seasonal work has to be given a contract, do you think they'll write a contract out saying you'll get £500 for 30 hours work? No chance at all. That will open them up to suing when the work dries up.


If ZHC's were illegal, then companies would write contracts for the minimum number of hours, at the minimum wage possible.


I'm not saying that seasonal work has to be given contracts, what I said was that if some has worked a minimum of 30 hours a week for a year it is not seasonal work.

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You've clearly not run a business before.


Actually I have. so you are wrong there!


Wages higher in real terms than £10 an hour today were routinely paid for manual work in the 60s and a dole equivalent to £200 a week today was also paid to the unemployed.


We need to have decent jobs for our citizens, the success of our country should be measured by the living standards of the poorest.


Imagine people on £10 per hour and no zero hour contracts. Those who are truly bad at their jobs and lazy will be hard to get rid of.


Many are hard to get rid off now on much higher than £10 an hour.


Many who are good at their jobs are exploited and paid a pittance because employers have more power than they should have.


That is the beauty of zero hour contracts for the young. Those who are good at their jobs get more hours, those who are bad hardly get anyone. The young learn to be good at their jobs.


ZHCs are an attack on workers rights and pay and conditions. They destroy morale and increase staff turnover, employers using ZHC think of only short term profits and ruin their businesses in the long term. They also decrease living standards of people in the country and the rise in such poor quality employment explains decreasing worker productivity.

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Would you put them on guaranteed hours contracts?


No, because they're self employed. That's the nature of their work. However, they know how much work they're getting from me, it's the same amount every month, they send me invoices and I pay them. I guess it's not technically employing people, more using their services.


However, I do own a couple of franchises that employ people on permanent contracts with a set salary.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 17:40 ----------


You know what the last ill though-out plan was? NMW. Now employers who used to pay more than the going rate can just pay this and get away with it as legal and 'moral'.


It's great for employment agencies though. They must be fighting hand over fist for a Labour government.


Totally agree with your views on the NMW. Very poorly thought out idea that has allowed employees to pay very low wages.

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No, because they're self employed. That's the nature of their work. However, they know how much work they're getting from me, it's the same amount every month, they send me invoices and I pay them. I guess it's not technically employing people, more using their services.


However, I do own a couple of franchises that employ people on permanent contracts with a set salary.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 17:40 ----------



Totally agree with your views on the NMW. Very poorly thought out idea that has allowed employees to pay very low wages.


Cynics would say you are using self employment on people to dodge paying NI etc and letting them access employment rights. Not me though ;)


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 21:02 ----------


Actually I have. so you are wrong there!


Wages higher in real terms than £10 an hour today were routinely paid for manual work in the 60s and a dole equivalent to £200 a week today was also paid to the unemployed.


We need to have decent jobs for our citizens, the success of our country should be measured by the living standards of the poorest.




Many are hard to get rid off now on much higher than £10 an hour.


Many who are good at their jobs are exploited and paid a pittance because employers have more power than they should have.




ZHCs are an attack on workers rights and pay and conditions. They destroy morale and increase staff turnover, employers using ZHC think of only short term profits and ruin their businesses in the long term. They also decrease living standards of people in the country and the rise in such poor quality employment explains decreasing worker productivity.


When you had your business did you pay your staff £10 an hour?

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I'm not saying that seasonal work has to be given contracts, what I said was that if some has worked a minimum of 30 hours a week for a year it is not seasonal work.


Would I be right to infer from this JFK, that you would like to see ZHC 'illegal' after a year in work?



Totally agree with your views on the NMW. Very poorly thought out idea that has allowed employees to pay very low wages.


:) The problem is, what to do with it?


The general consensus of course would be (certainly amongst Labour/Lib/ or any left) raise NMW to 'a living wage', which then is another topic that I'm sure we won't agree on :hihi:

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Would I be right to infer from this JFK, that you would like to see ZHC 'illegal' after a year in work?




:) The problem is, what to do with it?


The general consensus of course would be (certainly amongst Labour/Lib/ or any left) raise NMW to 'a living wage', which then is another topic that I'm sure we won't agree on :hihi:


Yeah, we probably won't. But paying someone a decent wage is surely what we both think is right?

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I very much doubt that. specially in Sheffield. More like a quarter have kids within a year, a quarter go to prison, an eighth go's onto further education, another eighth does go onto further education and the last quarter does anything beyond their lies to avoid work in anyway what so ever.


No, a half go to university, and the majority of the rest go and get jobs.


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 22:45 ----------


I do not wear a hat and yes I do a random guess as do every poll that's been conducted. Based on fiction/nonfiction guesses and social media polls. I unfortunately cannot give you precise figures as I and the political parties have NOT asked every living person in Sheffield.


So I will hold on to the perception that I am right based on what I witness.


Thanks for your input though.


You realise of course that schools and universities DO actually have figures... It's not based on a poll, on a guess or on what you've seen (although how you can see how many people leave school and go to uni, get a job, or start a life of crime I don't know).


---------- Post added 02-03-2015 at 22:48 ----------


Re-read what the poster said.




It seems clear that the poster is questioning the interviewers personal finances.


I'd be interested to know how they can find out the personal financial situation of an individual...

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Would I be right to infer from this JFK, that you would like to see ZHC 'illegal' after a year in work?


Personally am pretty neutral, I was just answering your question. However, in theory as a staunch capitalist I think that in the long term ZHCs harm the economy, that is beyond doubt.


For capitalism to work people need to feel secure enough to spend, and ZHCs do not offer that security.

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Personally am pretty neutral, I was just answering your question. However, in theory as a staunch capitalist I think that in the long term ZHCs harm the economy, that is beyond doubt.


For capitalism to work people need to feel secure enough to spend, and ZHCs do not offer that security.


I would certainly agree with that. How anyone can budget when they are on 0 hours is beyond me.


I also understand that 0 hour contracts is leading to a dearth of suitably qualified people to take up skilled jobs, as firms no longer train their own people. It's expensive and not cost effective when they can pick up workers already trained elsewhere in the EU.


Some apprenticeships might be good, but most do not match the lengthy, on-the-job training once undertaken by the big companies. And many of the government apprenticeships/training come into the same quality catagory as the reviled A4e...


We have a serious skills shortage in this country, and it's getting worse.

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Personally am pretty neutral, I was just answering your question. However, in theory as a staunch capitalist I think that in the long term ZHCs harm the economy, that is beyond doubt.


For capitalism to work people need to feel secure enough to spend, and ZHCs do not offer that security.


Do you think that if employees were given proper contracts employers will get increased productivity? People talk about jobs for life not being around but people don't want them - it's a rare event when I visit certain sorts of business to find the same person in charge 12 months later. They've not been sacked just looking for a slightly bigger salary etc.

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