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Work ethics and todays youth

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Or maybe she's done a lot of things right!




What she's doing isn't over and above it's what's expected of her., but she stands or falls by her results. I can't complain about the money though, it allows me to work part time and spend a lot of time with my daughter.



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They can't get rid of permanent staff on contracted hours at a whim. Anything to the contrary is flat out horse ****, and if you know anyone that that has happened to tell them to go to an employment tribunal and they will win very easily.


I'm not sure about this, but I didn't think people could go to an employment tribunal if they've been with a company for less than two years.


Perhaps someone on here can put us right.

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Or maybe public sector just attracts negative people :hihi:


Having worked in both sectors, when asked to do something the private sector worker gets on with it, the public sector worker checks their contract, send 5 emails and calls a team meeting.

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Having worked in both sectors, when asked to do something the private sector worker gets on with it, the public sector worker checks their contract, send 5 emails and calls a team meeting.


I've worked in both. When asked to do something, the public sector worker gets on with it and the private sector worker sits and moans about their poor wages and refuses to do anything that's "not his job".

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I've worked in both. When asked to do something, the public sector worker gets on with it and the private sector worker sits and moans about their poor wages and refuses to do anything that's "not his job".


I think most people will find it is the other way round.


Public sector work is a skill. You can be very bad at your job, but if you say the right things in your annual meeting you are deemed a success. In the private sector you are out of the door.


Go to a public sector staff kitchen as well, and see all the labels on all the lunch boxes.

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I think most people will find it is the other way round.


Public sector work is a skill. You can be very bad at your job, but if you say the right things in your annual meeting you are deemed a success. In the private sector you are out of the door.


Go to a public sector staff kitchen as well, and see all the labels on all the lunch boxes.


It's the same in the private sector as well. I've worked in a bank. Full of idiots who say the right thing and put labels on their food.

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Upto two years and your out the door on a whim, and theirs nowt you can do about it, contracted or otherwise.


Yes, I thought that was the case. Thanks. And at a time when people need help and support more than ever before.

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You know what the last ill though-out plan was? NMW. Now employers who used to pay more than the going rate can just pay this and get away with it as legal and 'moral'.


So would it be better if employers could offer £2 an hour?


You know exactly what would happen. All those local people currently on £6.50 an hour would be replaced by Polish and Lithuanian workers then there would be people posting on here bemoaning the fact that Johnny Foreigner was stealing all our jobs, followed by one of the usual suspects saying that the reason they are doing that is because benefits pay more than work, followed by an inevitable reduction in benefits.


A race to the bottom in other words. Why would you want that? Is your job that secure that if someone could do the job for a third of the pay you'd still be employed?

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So in other words you resent young people, don't know any, are making stuff up based on what you want to believe and can't prove anything and are mindlessly ranting but are at least admitting it.


Good to know


Yep as are 99.999999r%% of people on internet, are you part of that fraction? I think so!

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